Configuration Distribution

Standard configurations are routinely modified. Modifications may be caused by changes in legislation, new features added or bugs fixed. Therefore, the configuration support method is very important for users of standard configurations.

There are two approaches to building a distribution kit: as special files and as a distribution kit with installation program.

A delivery can be done in a form of special files of "*.cf" format (full kit) and  "*.cfu" (updates only), and as a distribution kit (includes an installation program and a set of delivery files).  

Another approach to building a distribution kit is used by distribution configuration developers to create their own distribution kits. Distribution kits include the installation program, setup.exe, and a set of distributive files (usually consists of configuration, data download and update files).


See also:

                  Distribution Set Options

                  Distribution Files Location

                  Creating distribution files and configuration update files

                  Distribution Rules Setup

                  Distribution Kit with Installation Program Design

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