General command-line options that define startup parameters
- Connection parameters
- Authentication settings
- Local protection key
- Localization settings
- Interface settings
- Debugger and performance indicators
- Automated testing
- Client certificates (thin client)
- Registering 1C:Enterprise as OLE Automation server
- Other parameters
Connection parameters
/F <path>. Path to an infobase stored in 1Cv8.1CD file (do not specify the file name).
/S <address>. Address of an infobase stored on the 1C:Enterprise server, in the following format:
<application server computer name>\ <reference name of the infobase used on the 1C:Enterprise server>
/WS <url>. Web server connection string.
/IBName <infobase name>. Start the infobase by its name in the infobase list. You can enclose the name in double quotation marks if needed. If the name itself contains double quotation marks, replace each double quotation mark character with two double quotation mark characters. If multiple infobases share the specified name, display an error.
/IBConnectionString. Complete infobase connection string, as retrieved by the IBConnectionString() function. You can override parts of the connection string by using /S and /F options after the /IBConnectionString option. Since a connection string always contains double quotation marks, enclose it in double quotation marks and replace each double quotation mark character inside the connection string with two double quotation mark characters.
Additional connection string parameters in thin client mode:
wsn. User name for web server authentication.
wsp. Password for web server authentication.
wspauto. Use default proxy server settings.
wspsrv. Proxy server address.
wspport. Proxy server port.
wspuser. User name for a proxy server with authorization enabled.
wsppwd. Password for a proxy server with authorization enabled.
/O <connection speed>. Connection speed (used in the thin client):
Normal. Normal connection speed.
Low. Slow connection speed.
Authentication settings
/N <name>. User name, as in the user list created in Designer.
/P <password>. Password for the user provided in the /N option. If the password is empty, you can omit this.
/WA[+/-]. Defines operating system authentication usage mode at 1C:Enterprise startup. If you omit /WA option, it is treated as /WA+ option.
/WA-. Prohibit operating system authentication at 1C:Enterprise startup.
/WA+. Require operating system authentication at 1C:Enterprise startup.
/SAOnRestart. Defines whether entering the password is mandatory when you restart the system from this session (not applicable to the thin client). By default you are not prompted to enter the password.
/WSA[+/-]. Defines operating system authentication usage mode on the web server. If you omit /WSA option, it is treated as /WSA+ option.
/WSA-. Prohibit operating system authentication on the web server.
/WSA+. Require operating system authentication on the web server.
/WSN <name>. Web server authentication user name if /WSA+ option is specified.
/WSP <password>. Web server authentication password for the user specified in /WSN option.
/AppAutoCheckVersion[+/-]. Defines whether the appropriate 1C:Enterprise version is automatically selected for each infobase.
/AppAutoCheckVersion-. Do not select the platform version automatically.
/AppAutoCheckVersion+. Automatically select the platform version for each infobase (by default).
/AppAutoCheckMode. Automatically select the appropriate application (the default configuration start mode and the default start mode for end users) based on the infobase data.
/NoProxy. Disable proxy usage (only for web service connections in the thin client).
/Proxy -PSrv <proxy address> -PPort <port> [-PUser <proxy user name> [-PPwd <password>] ]. Use the specified proxy settings instead of the default settings (only for web service connections in the thin client). Example: /Proxy -PSrv -PPort 3128.
/LogUI. Log the user actions.
/OIDA[+/-]. Defines whether pass-through user authentication between various infobases and/or external resources is used (thin and web clients only):
/OIDA+. Use OpenID authentication (it is the default option).
/OIDA-. Do not use OpenID authentication.
If the /OIDA option is missing during the client startup or the /OIDA+ option is used, the authentication is attempted via the OpenID provider with the address specified in the default.vrd file of the infobase publication.
If the OpenID provider requires interactive authentication (it is an initial request or the authentication timeout expired), the client prompts to enter the user name and password.
The user list of the OpenID provider infobase is used for authentication.
The name of the infobase user being authenticated using OpenID must match the user name in the OpenID provider infobase.
/Authoff. Perform OpenID logout (user session completion). The user session is completed irrespective of the authentication method to be used subsequently.
Local protection key
/UseHwLicenses[+/-]. Defines whether the search for a local dongle is performed.
/UseHwLicenses+. 1C:Enterprise searches for a local dongle.
/UseHwLicenses-. 1C:Enterprise does not search for a local dongle.
Localization settings
/L <language code>. Language code for the platform interface. The following interface languages are supported:
Code Azerbaijani az Bulgarian bg Chinese zh English en French fr Georgian ka German de Hungarian hu Kazakh kk Latvian lv Lithuanian lt Polish pl Romanian ro Russian ru Turkish tr Ukrainian uk Vietnamese vi
/VL <session locale code>. Session locale code used for formatting Number and Date data, as well as in the NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() methods.
Interface settings (managed application only)
/iTaxi. Set the "Taxi" interface mode.
/itdi. Set the "Forms in tabs" interface mode.
/isdi. Set the "Forms in separate windows" interface mode (it is the default mode).
/DisplayAllFunctions. Enable the All functions menu item.
Debugger and performance indicators
/Debug. Start 1C:Enterprise in the debug mode.
/DebuggerURL <debuggerURL>. Specifies the debugger. The application connects to the debugger immediately after startup. Provide the debugger URL (which includes the protocol, the computer, and the port number) for creating remote objects in the debugger.
/DisplayPerformance. Display the number of server calls and the volume of data sent to the server and received from it.
/SimulateServerCallDelay [-CallXXXXX] [-SendYYYYY] [-ReceiveZZZZZ]. Imitate client operation in slow connection speed conditions.
-Call. Delay in seconds (XXXXX) for a server call (4.45 seconds if not specified).
-Send. Delay in seconds (YYYYY) per 1 KB of data sent to the server (0.45 seconds if not specified).
-Receive. Delay in seconds (ZZZZZ) per 1 KB of data received from the server (0.15 seconds if not specified).The maximum delay value is 10 seconds.
Example: /SimulateServerCallDelay -Call2.1 -Send1.3 -Receive1.2
Automated testing
/TestManager. Start the thick or thin client for managing other clients using a dedicated object model.
/TestClient [-TPort<TCP port number>]. Start the thick or thin client to be managed by other clients using a test manager.
-TPort<TCP port number>. Port number used for interaction between the client and the test manager. The default port number is 1538.
/UILOGRECORDER [–TPort<TCP/IP port number>] [-File<path>]. Log interactive user actions and generate a 1C:Enterprise script scenario that reproduces the performed actions. You can use this option together with the /TESTCLIENT option.
-TPort<TCP port number>. Port number used for interaction between the client and the test manager. The default port number is 1538.
-File<path>. File that will store the user action log after the recording is stopped, provided that a test manager is not connected to the client.
Client certificates (thin client)
/HttpsCert [-windows] [-recent] [-auto] [-choose] [-file <path>] [-pwd <password>] [-none]. Source of the client certificate. If this option is missing, the source of the client certificate is determined by the settings in the infobase connection setup dialog box. (This option is available only in the thin client.)
-windows. Take the client certificate from the Microsoft Windows system certificate store. This parameter is ignored if at least one of the -file and –none parameters is specified.
-recent. The user can select or use a previously selected client Microsoft Windows system certificate.
If the system user certificate store contains multiple suitable certificates, the user is prompted to select a certificate using the system certificate selection dialog box. In the future this certificate is selected automatically.
This is the default method for client certificate selection for the -windows parameter if the -auto and -choose parameters are not defined. This parameter is ignored.
-auto. 1C:Enterprise automatically selects a client certificate from the Microsoft Windows system certificate store and uses it. This parameter is ignored if the option does not have the –windows parameter.
-choose. Always select a Microsoft Windows client certificate manually.
If the system user certificate store contains multiple suitable certificates, the user is prompted to select a certificate using the system certificate selection dialog box regardless of the previous selection of any certificate. They can use the selected certificate automatically in the future with the –recent parameter.
You can use this parameter if you need to avoid the automatic usage of the previously selected client certificate from the Microsoft Windows store and instead select a new certificate appropriate for this connection. This parameter is ignored if the option does not have the -windows parameter or when the -auto parameter is present.
-file <path>. File that contains the client certificate and the private key. This parameter is ignored if the -none parameter is present.
-pwd <password>. Password for the file that contains the client certificate and its private key. If the certificate file is password-protected, the password is required to establish a connection. This parameter is ignored if the option does not have the -file parameter.
-none. Do not use a client certificate. Only connections to servers that do not require client certificate checks are available.
If neither -windows, nor -file, nor -none parameter is specified, the /HttpsCert option is ignored.
/HttpsCA [-windows] [-file <path>] [-pwd <password>] [-none]. Source of CA certificates used to check the server certificate. If this option is missing, the source of CA certificates is determined by the settings in the infobase connection setup dialog box. (This option is available only in the thin client.)
-windows. Take the CA certificate from the Microsoft Windows system certificate store. This parameter is ignored if at least one of the -file and -none parameters is specified.
-file <path>. Load CA certificates from the specified file. This parameter is ignored if the -none parameter is present.
-pwd <password>. Password for the file that contains the CA certificate. If the certificate file is password-protected, the password is required to establish a connection. This parameter is ignored if the option does not have the -file parameter.
-none. Do not use CA certificates and do not check the server certificate.
If neither -windows, nor -file, nor -none parameter is specified, the /HttpsCA option is ignored.
/HttpsForceSSLv3. Force the usage of SSL protocol version 3.0 regardless of the infobase settings (thin client only).
Registering 1C:Enterprise as OLE Automation server
/RegServer. Register the application.
/UnregServer. Remove application registration.
Other parameters
/@ <file name>. Take the command-line options from the specified file.
/AllowExecuteScheduledJobs -Off|-Force. Defines scheduled job execution settings. Scheduled jobs are executed on the first client that does not have AllowExecuteScheduledJobs –Off (the order of clients is defined by their start time, the earliest one is the first). When this client session is closed, scheduled job execution is transferred to another running session. If a session with AllowExecuteScheduledJobs –Force is started, scheduled job execution is transferred to this session, regardless of the availability of other sessions.
/AppAutoInstallLastVersion+/-. Defines whether automatic application updates are available. "+" means that installation of new versions is enabled, "-" means that installation of new versions is disabled.
/C <text string>. Pass a parameter to the configuration. To access that parameter from 1C:Enterprise script, use the LaunchParameter global context method.
/ClearCache. Clear the cache of client/server calls that stores form metadata, modules, and so on.
/DisableStartupDialogs. Suppress the startup dialog box and authentication dialog box.
- If the command-line options do not provide sufficient information for infobase selection and its startup mode, an error is displayed.
- If the command-line options do not provide sufficient information for user authorization in the infobase, an error is displayed.
- If the command-line options do not include authorization in the configuration repository, Designer does not connect to the repository during the startup.
- If the command-line options for authorization in the configuration repository are incorrect, an error is displayed.
/DisableStartupMessages. Disable the following startup messages:
- "Database configuration does not match stored configuration. Continue?"
- "Your computer's capabilities are inadequate to edit configuration help.\u000ATo edit help, you must install Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 or higher."
- "Your computer's capabilities are inadequate to edit HTML documents, including help sections. To edit HTML documents, you must install Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher. HTML document editing will be unavailable during this session."
/EnableCheckExtensionsAndAddInsSyncCalls. Enables the "strong" check for synchronous calls of file system extensions and cryptography extension methods.
/EnableCheckModal. Enables the "strong" check for modal method usage. In configurations with modality usage mode set to "Do not use" or "Use with warnings" calling a modal method generates an exception or a warning.
/Execute <external data processor file name>. Start an external data processor in 1C:Enterprise mode immediately after startup.
/Out <file name> [-NoTruncate]]. File for logging service messages. If the -NoTruncate parameter is specified, do not clear the file before logging.
You can open the file for viewing during the batch command execution. The messages are recorded directly to the file (without buffering).
/RunModeOrdinaryApplication. Start the thick client in the ordinary application mode, regardless of the configuration settings and the user on whose behalf the client is started. Not applicable to the thin client.
/RunModeManagedApplication. Start the thick client in the managed application mode, taking into account the respective setting in the infobase list:
- For "Select automatically", start the thin client.
- For "Thin client", start the thin client.
- For "Web client", start the web client.
- For "Thick client", start the thick client in managed application mode.
Note that when a client is started using this option, automatic selection of the client application is disabled.
/RunShortcut <file name>. Start 1C:Enterprise with the infobase list retrieved from the specified file. You can specify a shared infobase list file (*.v8i) or an infobase shortcut file (*.v8l)..
/SLev. Defines the security level of the client connection to the 1C:Enterprise server (used in the thin and web clients in 1C:Enterprise mode).
Available values:
/SLev0 (insecure connection)
/SLev1 (secure connection only for authentication)
/SLev2 (secure connection for the entire session)
Omitting the value is treated as /SLev0.
/TComp [-None | -Deflate | -SDC]. Client/server traffic compression mode (thin client only).
Available values:
-None (no compression)
-Deflate (standard HTTP compression with the deflate algorithm)
-SDC (custom compression algorithm)
SDC compression is the default value.
/UC <access code>. Establish connection to an infobase with a connection lock. If a nonempty access code was specified at the time the lock was set, specify it in the /UC option. This option is not available in the thin client working over a web server.
/URL <address>. Follow a link. This option supports links in e1c format:
If you specify an external link, the platform searches for a client application that was started with the specified connection string. The application must not have a modal or blocking window open. Then the platform attempts to follow the local link from the specified URL and activates the main application window. If the attempt is not successful, the client application continues its regular functioning. If the URL does not include a local link (because it only includes the infobase address), the attempt to follow the link is not performed and the platform simply activates the main window of the client application.
If a client application with the specified connection string is not found, the connection string is taken from the /URL command-line option.
If you specify a local link, the client application is started in a regular way and then the platform attempts to follow the specified local link.
If the link has HTTP(S) format, the thin client is started (or a running one is found).
/UsePrivilegedMode. Start 1C:Enterprise in the privileged session mode, which is available to authenticated users with administrator privileges. A record stating that the privileged session mode is set or cannot be set is added to the event log.
/Z<common attribute 1>,<common attribute 2>,...,<common attribute n>. Specify a set of separators.
<common attribute> = [<+>|<->]<common attribute value>
[<+>|<->] defines attribute usage: "+" (default) means the attribute is used; "-" means the attribute is not used.
If a separator is not used, its value must be preceded by "-". If the first character of the separator value is + or -, replace it with ++ or -- respectively.
<common attribute value> defines the common attribute value. If the separator value includes a comma, replace it with two commas. If the separator value is missing but this separator is required, use the "+" character instead.
Separators are comma-separated.
"/Z-FirstSeparator,+,---ThirdSeparator" means:
The first separator is disabled, its value is "FirstSeparator".
The second separator is enabled, its value is an empty string.
The third separator is disabled, its value is "-ThirdSeparator".