Web client startup options

For more information about using the options, see Starting 1C:Enterprise. Startup options.

O=<connection speed> is the connection speed: Normal for regular speed, and Low for slow speed.

C=<text string> passes an option to the configuration.

N=<name> is a user name, exactly as it is written in the user list in Designer. 

P=<password> is the a password of the user whose name is specified in the N option. If the user has no password, omit this option.

WA-  indicates that operating system authentication is not allowed during 1C:Enterprise startup.

WA+ indicates that operating system authentication is required during 1C:Enterprise startup. If the WA option is not specified, the WA+ command line option is assumed.

/OIDA[+/-]  shows whether pass-through user authentication between various infobases and/or external resources is used:

/OIDA+  indicates that OpenID authentication is used (it is the default option).

/OIDA-  indicates that OpenID authentication is not used.

If the OIDA option is missing during client startup or OIDA+ is used, authentication is attempted via the OpenID provider with the address specified in the default.vrd file of the infobase publication.

If this OpenID provider requires interactive authentication (it is an initial request or the authentication timeout is expired), the client displays the dialog box to enter the user name and password.

The authentication is based on the list of users in the OpenID provider infobase.

The name of the infobase user authenticated with their OpenID must exactly match the user name in the OpenID provider infobase.

Authoff executes OpenID logout (user session completion). The session is completed irrespective of the authentication method to be used subsequently.

L=<language code> specifies the language code for the platform interface. The following interface languages are supported:


Azerbaijani az
Bulgarian bg
Chinese zh
English en
French fr
Georgian ka
German de
Hungarian hu
Kazakh kk
Latvian lv
Lithuanian lt
Polish pl
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Turkish tr
Ukrainian uk
Vietnamese vi

VL=<session locale code> specifies the session locale code that defines Number and Date formats, and also is used in the methods NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation().

DisableStartupMessages disables the startup message: "Database configuration does not match stored configuration. Continue?"   

DisplayAllFunctions enables the All functions menu item.

DisplayPerformance displays the number of server calls and the volumes of data sent to the server and received from it. 

/DebuggerURL <debugger URL> specifies the debugger. The application connects to the debugger immediately after startup. Provide the debugger URL (which includes the protocol, the computer, and the port number) for creating remote objects in the debugger.

TESTCLIENTID<ID> starts the web client to be managed by other clients using a test manager. The testing manager distinguishes between multiple web clients by their IDs. If IDs are not specified or multiple clients are running with the same ID, the client is selected randomly.

UsePrivilegedMode  starts 1C:Enterprise in the privileged session mode, which is available to authenticated users with administrator privileges. A record stating that the privileged session mode is set or cannot be set is added to the event log. Example: http://server/ib?UsePrivilegedMode.

Z=<Common attribute 1>,<Common attribute 2>,...,<Common attribute N> specifies a set of separators.

<Common attribute> = [<+>|<->]<Common attribute value>

[<+>|<->] specifies attribute usage: "+" (default) means the attribute is used; "-" means the attribute is not used.

If a separator is not used, its value must be preceded by "-". If the first character of the separator value is + or -, replace it with ++ or -- respectively.

<Common attribute value> specifies the common attribute value. If the separator value includes a comma, replace it with two commas. If the separator value is missing but this separator is required, use the "+" character instead.

Separators are comma-separated.


"Z-FirstSeparator,+,---ThirdSeparator" means:

The first separator is disabled, its value is "FirstSeparator".

The second separator is enabled, its value is an empty string.

The third separator is disabled, its value is "ThirdSeparator".

iTaxi sets the "Taxi" interface mode.

itdi sets the "Forms in tabs" interface mode.

isdi sets the "Forms in separate windows" interface mode (it is the default mode).

An example of a web client startup line:

In this example, the following parameters are specified: slow connection (O=Low), the startup parameter value is the "start.xml" string (C=start.xml), user Johnson is selected to connect to the infobase (N=Johnson) and this user has a password (P=password).

Non-Latin characters are allowed in the web client startup command line options. 
Example: http://localhost/demo?N=JDoe

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