/CheckConfig [-ConfigLogIntegrity] [-IncorrectReferences] [-ThinClient] [-WebClient] [-Server] [-ExternalConnection] [- ExternalConnectionServer] [-MobileAppClient] [-MobileAppServer] [-ThickClientManagedApplication] [-ThickClientServerManagedApplication] [-ThickClientOrdinaryApplication] [-ThickClientServerOrdinaryApplication] [-DistributiveModules] [-UnreferenceProcedures] [-HandlersExistence] [-EmptyHandlers] [-ExtendedModulesCheck] [-CheckUseModality] [-UnsupportedFunctional] [-Extension <extension name>] [-AllExtensions]
Performs extended configuration check. The following parameters are available:
ConfigLogIntegrity. Check the logical integrity of the configuration. It is the standard check (typically performed before updating the database).
IncorrectReferences. Search for references to deleted objects and logically incorrect references. The search is performed in the entire configuration, including rights, forms, templates, interfaces, and so on.
ThinClient. Perform module syntax check for the managed application environment emulation mode (thin client), which is executed in the file mode.
WebClient. Perform module syntax check in the web client environment emulation mode.
Server. Perform module syntax check in the 1C:Enterprise server environment emulation mode.
ExternalConnection. Perform module syntax check in the external connection environment emulation mode, which is executed in the file mode.
ExternalConnectionServer. Perform module syntax check in the external connection environment emulation mode, which is executed in the client/server mode.
MobileAppClient. Perform module syntax check in the mobile application environment emulation mode, which is executed in the client mode.
MobileAppServer. Perform module syntax check in the mobile application environment emulation mode, which is executed in the server mode.
ThickClientManagedApplication. Perform module syntax check in the managed application environment emulation mode (thick client), which is executed in the file mode.
ThickClientServerManagedApplication. Perform module syntax check in the managed application environment emulation mode (thick client), which is executed in the client/server mode.
ThickClientOrdinaryApplication. Perform module syntax check in the ordinary application environment emulation mode (thick client), which is executed in the file mode.
ThickClientServerOrdinaryApplication. Perform module syntax check in the ordinary application environment emulation mode (thick client), which is executed in the client/server mode.
DistributiveModules. Modules are delivered without source codes. If the configuration distribution settings for some modules specify delivery without source codes, check whether module images can be generated.
UnreferenceProcedures. Search for local (not exported) procedures and functions that are never referenced, including unused event handlers.
HandlersExistence. Check the availability of assigned handlers for interfaces, forms, and controls.
EmptyHandlers . Search for event handlers that perform no actions. Such handlers can impact the system performance.
ExtendedModulesCheck. Check method calls; check calls of object properties using . (dot) for a limited set of types; and check whether string literals that serve as parameters for certain functions, such as GetForm, are correct.
CheckUseModality . Search the modules for modal methods. This parameter is only used together with the -ExtendedModulesCheck parameter.
UnsupportedFunctional. Search for functionality that cannot be executed in the mobile application. This includes the following:
- Metadata that do not have their classes implemented on the mobile platform
- Exchange plans that have the Distributed infobase property
- Types not implemented on the mobile platform. The search is performed in the following areas:
- Type properties of metadata attributes, constants, and session parameters
- Command parameter type property of Command metadata
- Type property of attributes and form attribute columns
- Forms having the Ordinary type
- Form controls that are not implemented on the mobile platform (the check is not performed for forms whose Use purposes property does not include mobile devices)
- Complex desktop (contains multiple forms)
Extension <extension name>. Process the extension with the specified name. If the extension is successfully processed, returns 0. Otherwise (if the extension with the specified name is not available or any errors occur) returns 1.
AllExtensions. Check all extensions.