/IBCheckAndRepair [-ReIndex] [-LogIntegrity | -LogAndRefsIntegrity] [-RecalcTotals] [-IBCompression] [-Rebuild] [-TestOnly | [[-BadRefCreate | -BadRefClear | -BadRefNone] [-BadDataCreate | -BadDataDelete]]] [-UseStartPoint] [-TimeLimit:hhh:mm]
Verifies and repairs the infobase.
ReIndex. Reindex tables.
LogIntegrity. Check logical integrity.
LogAndRefsIntegrity. Check logical and reference integrity.
RecalcTotals. Recalculate totals.
IBCompression. Compress tables.
Rebuild. Restructure infobase tables.
TestOnly. Perform verification only.
If references to objects that do not exist are found:
BadRefCreate. Create objects.
BadRefClear. Delete references.
BadRefNone. No changes.
If object data is partially lost:
BadDataCreate. Create objects.
BadDataDelete. Delete objects.
UseStartPoint. Use the saved return point to continue verification from the point where it was stopped in the previous session.
TimeLimit:hhh:mm. Limit the maximum duration of the verification session:hhh. Hours (0 to 999).
mm. Minutes (0 to 59).
You can use a single parameter in each parameter subgroup.