InformationRegisterManager.<Information register name>.Get

Syntax variant: For a periodic register


Get(<Period>, <Filter>)


<Period> (required)

Type: Date; PointInTime.
Determines a point in time for which you need to get resource values. If the specified point in time shall not correspond with the period of any register record, a structure with empty values will be returned.

<Filter> (optional)

Type: Structure.
Structure containing the register dimensions filter.
The passed structure should create the dimensions, for which records should be filtered. Structural element should contain filtering names and values. It is necessary to specify values for all dimensions.
The parameter is required for the registers having dimensions.
The structure may additionally have the items that correspond to separators of register with the IndependentlyAndSimultaneously level of separation, which include the register. If such a structure item is specified for use in a session separator, then value for this item must match the separator value, otherwise it will throw an exception.
Unused in the session separators of register in the structure must match the item with the specified filter, as well as for all the dimensions, otherwise it will throw an exception.
If the parameter is not specified filter is not used.

Syntax variant: For a non-periodic register




<Filter> (optional)

Type: Structure.
Structure containing the register dimensions filter.
The passed structure should create the dimensions, for which records should be filtered. Structural element should contain filtering names and values. It is necessary to specify values for all dimensions.
The parameter is required for the registers having dimensions.
The structure may additionally have the items that correspond to separators of register with the IndependentlyAndSimultaneously level of separation, which include the register. If such a structure item is specified for use in a session separator, then value for this item must match the separator value, otherwise it will throw an exception.
Unused in the session separators of register in the structure must match the item with the specified filter, as well as for all the dimensions, otherwise it will throw an exception.
If the parameter is not specified filter is not used.

Returned value:

Type: Structure.
Structure containing resource values.


Obtains information register resources by specified key fields.


Server, thick client, external connection, Mobile application (server).


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