AccountingRegisterManager.<Accounting register name>.Select


Select(<StartOfRange>, <EndOfRange>, <Filter>, <Order>)


<StartOfRange> (optional)

Type: Date; PointInTime; Boundary.
Defines the beginning of the interval for the selection of register records.

<EndOfRange> (optional)

Type: Date; PointInTime; Boundary.
Defines end of the interval for the selection of register records.

<Filter> (optional)

Type: Structure.
Specifies a filter field and value of the opened selection. The structure key refers to a field name, while the structure value refers to the key filter value. You can use dimensions or attributes as filter fields, provided their indexing flags have been set to "Index" in the designer.
Important: A structure can contain only one element.

<Order> (optional)

Type: String.
Can contain the words "Asc" or "Desc", then the standard order will be used with the direction specified. By default the value is set to "Asc".
Can contain the field name (of the attribute or dimension that has base type and the indexing set) and the words "Asc" or "Desc" (space-separated), then the ordering will be made by the specified field in the specified order.
Default value: Empty string.

Returned value:

Type: AccountingRegisterSelection.


Creates a selection of records in the accounting register. If an interval boundary is not specified, the selection will not be limited by that boundary.


Server, thick client, external connection.


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