BusinessProcessObject.<Name of business process>.Start




<BusinessProcessRoutePoint> (optional)

Type: BusinessProcessRoutePointRef.
Business process route point where the business process is started. The business process flowchart can have multiple starting points. In this case, you must specify the parameter.


Starts a business process from a specified point. If the point is not specified and there are multiple start points, the business process cannot be started, and an error message will appear. After Start method is executed, the business process begins to traverse the flowchart until it meets an action point or a nested business process point. Then the business process creates tasks and nested business processes, and Start the method is completed. If there are no action points or nested business process points in the business process flowchart, it is called an automatic business process. In this case, when the Start method is called up, the business process will traverse all route points automatically and will be immediately marked as completed.


Server, thick client, external connection.


If the business process has a single starting point, it can be omitted.


BusinessProcess = BusinessProcesses.RegistrationOfCorrespondence;
//Business process has only one start point. That's why we're not defining it. 

// Business process has several start points. That's why
// we're definenf the point we need.
Point = BusinessProcess.RoutePoints.SimplifiedRegistration;


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