How do I Print a Table or Save It to a File?
Do the following:
Open the table;
In the ordinary run mode select Actions – Output list...;
In the managed run mode use the All actions – Output list... command;
In the form that opens, select one of the following in the Output to field:
Spreadsheet document if you want to preserve the table boundaries;
Text document if the boundaries are not essential;
Set checkboxes to all the columns you need;
Click OK. As a result, a spreadsheet or a text document will be opened.
Then, in the File menu select one of the following:
Print – to print the table;
Save As... – to save the table to a file (.mxl, .htm, .html, .xls, .txt).
If the advanced files operations extension is installed, a standard operating system dialog for saving a file is used for this purpose. If the extension is not installed, an 1C:Enterprise form will be displayed for saving.