Working with Table Boxes
To view content of table box conveniently, you can change width of the columns by dragging header separator. Point to the column's right border. The mouse pointer will change to . Drag the border to the desired position. Width of the columns located to the right of the selected column is also affected. Holding the Ctrl key while changing the column width prevents the adjacent columns from being affected.
If the column is not wide enough to see the entire cell contents, point to the cell and wait for 1 or 2 seconds until the tooltip appears.
To change the column order, place the cursor in the column header, press and hold the left mouse button and drag the column to the new position. Two red markers appear during dragging to show the column's new position.
Copying cell values
To copy the cell's content, select it and press Ctrl+C. To paste the copied value, press Ctrl+V.
The system provides an additional service of processing the numerical data in the clipboard: addition and subtraction. For this, the M, M+ and M- buttons of the Tools buttons of a panel are used. For detailed description of this feature, see Working with Clipboard.
See also: