Comparing and merging configurations
How do I begin comparing and merging configurations?
How do I set up objects of configurations being compared?
How do I set up the merging mode and the order of subordinate objects?
How do I set up colors of objects?
How do I set up the object tree view?
General operations
This dialog box is intended for managing the comparison and merging of configurations, external reports, or external data processors.
To compare and merge configurations, on the Configuration menu, click Compare and merge with configuration from file.
To compare and merge external reports or data processors, in the report or data processor editor dialog box, click Actions and then click Compare and merge with external report or data processor.
To compare and merge a report or data processor with an external report or data processor, right-click it and then click Compare and merge with external report or data processor. -
To compare configuration files, on the Configuration menu, click Compare Configurations.
Main configuration (First configuration)
This column contains the main configuration (or report, or data processor) objects. For each changed or added object (i.e. object not available in the main configuration), it also contains a check box that defines whether this object participates in the merging.
During the merging added objects are copied from the loaded configuration to the main configuration, while for changed objects the operation is defined by the specified rules. The check box also affects the ordering rules for objects whose order was changed. You can change the order later.
Each object in the tree has a context menu that includes commands available in the standard configuration tree context menu and merging-specific commands. For each tree item (a metadata object or a branch of subordinate objects) that does not belong to branches of added or deleted objects, the Merge rule for subordinate objects and Order for subordinate objects commands are available. Metadata objects that are present in both configurations and are mapped to each other also have the Clear object mapping command. Metadata objects that are not mapped but can be mapped (i.e. there are nonmapped objects of the same type in the other configuration), have the Set object mapping command.-
Merge rule for subordinate objects
Sets the merge rule for the tree of objects subordinate to this one. You can select from the following rules: Get from loaded configuration, Merge prioritizing main configuration, or Merge prioritizing loaded configuration.
Configuration merge rule
Rule description
Get from loaded configuration The object is replaced by a mapped object from the loaded configuration. Merge prioritizing main configuration If the object supports merging, it is merged. If the object supports merging with prioritizing, it is merged prioritizing the main configuration. Merge prioritizing loaded configuration If the object supports merging, it is merged. If the object supports merging with prioritizing, it is merged prioritizing the loaded configuration. -
Order for subordinate objects
Set the order for all the objects subordinate to the selected object. The following options are available:
Ordering rule Rule description Order from main configuration Mapped objects are ordered according to their order in the main configuration. Order from loaded configuration Mapped objects are ordered according to their order in the loaded configuration. -
For a form, you can set different merge rules for the form itself and for its module.
- Clear object mapping
- Clears the mapping for mapped objects. After that they are treated as different objects.
- Set object mapping
- Allows you to select a matching object in the other configuration for a nonmapped object.
- File (Second configuration)
- This column contains the loaded configuration (or report, or data processor) objects. Each object has a context menu, similar to that of main configuration objects.
- Merge rule and order of subordinate objects
- This column displays statuses of objects with changed order
and allows you to set merge rules for objects and for specific
properties. You can set the order for objects whose order is different from the order of mapped objects (see Order for subordinate objects).
Note that the object order that you specify affects all objects
of that type that have the same owner. You can specify merge
rules for objects and for specific properties. Setting merge
rules for objects is similar to using the Merge rule for
subordinate objects context menu command. For a specific
property, the rule is determined by the property type. If a
property by its nature cannot be merged (for example, it stores
a number), the only available option is replacement (Get from loaded configuration).
If the property supports simple merging (for example, a list of
references to metadata objects), the Merge rule is available. If a
property supports merging with prioritizing (for example,
multilingual text strings), all options under the Order for subordinate objects
command are available.
If multiple languages are used in the configuration and you enable selective language comparison in the settings, the objects are compared and merged with regard to the specified languages. - Object colors.
- Defines the object status colors. The following options
are available:
Status Description Identical The object is fully identical to the mapped object in the other configuration. Different The object is not identical to the mapped object in the other configuration.
The difference is in the object properties or in its subordinate objects.Undefined The object is mapped but its status (Identical or Different) is currently unknown. To define the status, compare objects again by clicking the Refresh button. Added The object is only available in the main configuration. Deleted The object is only available in the loaded configuration. Order changed The order of mapped objects is changed. - Filter
- Defines which objects are displayed in the tree.
Filter Description No filter Show all objects in the configurations. Show configuration differences Hide unchanged objects. Show changed Show only replaced objects. Show objects available only in the main configuration Show only main configuration objects that are not mapped to loaded configuration objects Show objects available only in the loaded configuration Show only loaded configuration objects that are not mapped to main configuration objects Show objects available only in the configuration extension* Show only configuration extension objects that are not mapped to main configuration objects Show objects available only in the file* Show only objects from an extension loaded from a file that are not mapped to the extension objects Show unchanged Show only unchanged objects. - * - used when comparing and merging configuration extensions.
- Actions
- This menu contains miscellaneous actions related to merging.
- Find unresolved references to objects to be deleted
- Find unresolved references to objects to be deleted and display the result in the message window.
- Load settings from file
- Replace the current merge settings with the settings loaded from the specified file. This changes the path in the settings file to the selected one.
- Add settings from file
- Add the settings loaded from the file to the current merge settings. This does not change the path to the settings file.
- Save settings to file
- Save the settings to the current settings file. If the current file is not selected, this opens the file selection dialog box.
- Save settings to file as
- Save the settings to a new file.
- Set default settings
- Restore the settings that were used when the compare and merge configurations dialog box was opened.
- Merge modules
- Merge selected unmerged modules that have one of the Merge... modes specified.
- Set rule for all
- Same as setting the merge rule using the configuration root context menu.
- Select by main configuration subsystems / Select by file subsystems
- Select or clear the merge check box for all the objects in the selected subsystems.
- Configuration comparison report
- Generate the report that shows the result of comparing two configurations, reports, or data processors.
- Refresh
- Compare the configurations to update the status of mapped objects.
- Parameters
- Open the compare/merge settings dialog box.
You can use the context menu of a single object in the comparison window to clear the object mapping, open the object, or obtain a comparison report. The set of available context menu commands depends on the object type. For example, you can view template differences for templates, module differences for modules, and so on.
If you select the Save settings automatically check box, the settings are saved before performing any operation.
To perform the merging according to the specified rules, click Execute.
See also:
Configuration comparison setup