



1C:Enterprise 8 supports data dragging operations between different controls, as well as for data from other applications. For example, you can drag and drop catalog list items from one folder into another, drag and drop data from a table box to a spreadsheet document field or transfer a list of selected files from Windows Explorer to any control.
Dragging operations are supported by the following controls: table box, spreadsheet document field, calendar field and picture filed.
Some operations are executed by the system (for example, hierarchical list reorganization, dragging into a spreadsheet document field). This is a "standard" behavior of dragging operations. If these capabilities are not enough, you can redefine dragging operations.
In dragging operation descriptions, the following control notions are used: "data source" (provides data) and "data target" (receives data). As for the above controls type, using the EnableStartDrag and EnableDrag properties, you should specify the role of a certain control (data source or target).
In 1C:Enterprise mode, when clicking the mouse in a selected control area (it may be a row, a group of table box rows, a spreadsheet document field area, a calendar date, or a picture), the DragStart event occurs within data source control. During the drag action, each time the cursor is passes over a receiving area (a cell in a table box or spreadsheet document field, a calendar field date, or a picture field), the DragCheck event occurs within the data receiver control, to which this area belongs. When processing this event, you can manage the mouse cursor shape; for example, you can specify that drag into the given control is not permitted or only copying is allowed. When the mouse button is released over a data receiver control, the Drag event occurs. When processing the Drag event, you can insert "your own" data into a control. The DragEnd event then occurs within the data source control. When processing this event, you can delete the transferred data or clear some variables.
You can manage the dragging process in event handlers with the help of the <DragParameters> and <StandardProcessing> parameters of events. Please note that the parameter content depends on the control type.


Thin client, web-client, thick client.

See also:

SpreadsheetDocumentField, event DragStart
SpreadsheetDocumentField, event DragCheck
SpreadsheetDocumentField, event Drag
SpreadsheetDocumentField, event DragEnd
TableBox, event DragStart
TableBox, event DragCheck
TableBox, event Drag
TableBox, event DragEnd
FormTable, event DragStart
FormTable, event DragCheck
FormTable, event Drag
FormTable, event DragEnd


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