

Add(<Value>, <ElementType>)


<Value> (optional)

Type: Arbitrary.
The value which is inserted in formatted document.
Depending on <ElementType> parameter value of the current method, the value can be read in various ways.
If parameter value is FormattedDocumentText, then string presentation of transferred value will be added into document.
If the value is FormattedDocumentPicture, then value type should be either Picture, or a String, containing the picture URL. Otherwise, the exception is called.
If parameter value is FormattedDocumentLinefeed, then parameter value is ignored and string transfer is inserted to the specified location.
Default value: Undefined.

<ElementType> (optional)

Type: Type.
Specifies the type of element to be inserted. Depending on the value of this parameter the <Value> parameter value of this method is interpreted.
A collection can contain the following objects:
1) FormattedDocumentText
2) FormattedDocumentPicture
3) FormattedDocumentLinefeed
Depending on value of this parameter the value of <Value> parameter of this method is interpreted.
Default value: FormattedDocumentText.

Returned value:

Type: FormattedDocumentText; FormattedDocumentLinefeed; FormattedDocumentPicture.
Returns an item added to the formatted document.


Adds a line, picture or line feed into specified position of formatted document.


Thin client, web-client, server, thick client, external connection.


Adding pictures is only available at the server.
Picture must be absolute.


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community