

BeginWriting(<NotifyDescription>, <FileName>, <FileType>)


<NotifyDescription> (optional)

Type: NotifyDescription.
Contains a description of the procedure that is called upon completion of file writing with the following parameters:
  • <Result> - operation result:
    • True, if the writing was initiated using extensions for the browser and the user agreed to receive it, i. e. file writing was complete.
    • False, if writing was initiated using extensions for the browser, but the user did not agree to receive it, i. e. file writing was not complete.
    • Undefined, if writing was initiated by file download using browser tools and it is not known if the file was written or not.
  • <AdditionalParameters> - value specified when the NotifyDescription object was created.
If the parameter is not specified or is of the Undefined type, no procedure is called upon completion.

<FileName> (required)

Type: String.
Name of file, to which the formatted document is written.

<FileType> (required)

Type: FormattedDocumentFileType.
Specifies the file type.


Begins writing formatted document to a file.


Thin client, web-client, thick client.

See also:

FormattedDocument, method Write


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community