

FindText(<Line>, <Beginning>, <End>, <SearchForward>, <IgnoreCase>)


<Line> (required)

Type: String.
Required text.

<Beginning> (optional)

Type: FormattedDocumentBookmark.
Bookmark indicated the beginning of the search range. If this parameter is not specified, search will be performed from the beginning of the formatted document.

<End> (optional)

Type: FormattedDocumentBookmark.
Bookmark indicates the end of the search range. If this parameter is not specified, search will be performed to the end of the formatted document.

<SearchForward> (optional)

Type: Boolean.
You can use it to define search direction: True - search forward; False - search backward.
Default value: True.

<IgnoreCase> (optional)

Type: Boolean.
Case sensitivity.
True - don't match case, False - match case by search.
Default value: True.

Returned value:

Type: FormattedDocumentRange; Undefined.
FormattedDocumentRange - contains bookmarks for the beginning and end of the nearest text found.
If text is not found, returns Undefined.


Searches for the text in the formatted document.


Thin client, web-client, server, thick client, external connection.


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community