The template text editor
In addition to its capabilities as a module code editor, the template text editor allows you to create and edit existing templates.
The template structure may consist of static (unchangeable) and dynamic parts, which are context-dependent and cannot be specified in advance.
To control the dynamic part of the template, control directives are placed in the template text. These are character sequences that evoke certain actions when the template replacement text is inserted.
Several control directives may be used in the body of a template. Nested directives are not allowed.
The editor highlights the syntactic structures of templates. The template body is enclosed in red angle brackets.
There are three types of control directives:
Custom query <?"Tooltip">
where Tooltip is the text of an explanatory label. This is used for any text entry. When such a template is used, a dialog box for input of the context-dependent part of the template is displayed.
Cursor positioning<?>
Used to place the cursor in a specified position after the template text is inserted.
Special query
Used to enter a selection of configuration objects, predefined elements, and other data.
<?"Tooltip", BusinessProcess> - selection of business process
<?"Tooltip", N-transition, "Tooltip 1", , ..., "Tooltip N", "String to insert N">
When this template is used, a list of strings is displayed for selection.
Each string consists of:
"Tooltip 1"-explanatory text
"String to insert 1"-text that will be inserted if the string is selected.
<?"Tooltip", Document> - selection of document type
<?"Tooltip", Type selection> - type selection
<?"Tooltip", DocumentJournal> - selection of document journal type
<?"Tooltip", EnumValue> - selection of enumeration value
<?"Tooltip", UserName> - selection of user name
<?"Tooltip", UserFullName> - selection of user full name
<?"Tooltip", ConfigurationStorageUserName> - select configuration storage user name
<?"Tooltip", Constant> - constant selection
<?"Tooltip", TypeDescriptionBuilder> - type description builder
<?"Tooltip", FilterCriterion> - filter criterion selection
<?"Tooltip", Data Processor> - Data Processor selection
<?"Tooltip", Report> - report selection
<?"Tooltip", Recalculation> - recalculation selection
<?"Tooltip", Enum> - selection of enum
<?"Tooltip", ChartOfCalculationTypes> - selection of chart of calculation types.
<?"Tooltip", ChartOfCharacteristicTypes> - selection of chart of characteristic types.
<?"Tooltip", ExchangePlan> - selection of exchange plan.
<?"Tooltip", Chart of Accounts> - selection of chart of accounts.
<?"Tooltip", ChartOfCalculationTypesPredefinedData> - selection of predefined data for chart of calculation types. First select the chart of calculation types, then the predefined data value
<?"Tooltip", ChartOfCharacteristicTypesPredefinedData> - selection of predefined data for chart of calculation types. First select the chart of characteristic types, then the predefined data value
<?"Tooltip", ChartOfAccountsPredefinedData> - selection of predefined data for chart of accounts. First select the chart of accounts, then the predefined data value
<?"Tooltip", MetadataObject, "<Metadata object name 1>," "<Metadata object name 2>," …, "<Metadata object name N>"> - subset of configuration objects
<?"Tooltip", Sequence> - sequence selection
<?"Tooltip", AccountingRegister> - selection of accounting register
<?"Tooltip", AccumulationRegister> - selection of accumulation register
<?"Tooltip", CalculationRegister> - selection of calculation register
<?"Tooltip", InformationRegister> - selection of information register
<?"Tooltip", Catalog> - catalog selection
<?"Tooltip", CatalogPredefinedData> - selection of predefined data for catalog. First select the catalog, then the predefined account value
<?"Tooltip", QueryText> - generates query text using query builder
<?"Tooltip", DateTime, "<Format string>"> - enter current date in format specified in string <Format string>
<?"Tooltip", FormatString> - generates format string text using format string wizard