- What features are included in the universal exchange feature?
- What is the purpose of the Exchange plan configuration object?
- What are the main components of an exchange plan?
- What are the exchange plan nodes?
- What is the content of an exchange plan? What data items support data exchange?
- What is AutoRecord?
- What is the puropse of change registration?
- How does message infrastructure work?
- What is the purpose of XML serialization?
- What is the purpose of XML document read/write feature?
- How does one create an exchange plan?
- How does one prepare a configuration for data exchange?
- How does one implement data exchanges in the general case?
- How does one implement data exchanges in a distributed infobase?
- How does one use 1C:Enterprise script to manage data exchanges in a distributed infobase?
- What are the specifics of exchanging data that includes predefined items?
- How does one change the tree structure of a distributed infobase?
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