For generation the API from Google is used ( By creating the necessary URL, it is possible to download a picture generated using API. It is made without the use of external components in order that it was guaranteed to work in the web-client.
So, what does the approach consist:
- Generate the text to be written in the qr-code.
- Using link “http: //×230&chl=” + “Our text”, download a picture.
- Place the picture in our spreadsheet document.
&AtServer Function Hex(Val Value) Value=Number(Value); If Value<=0 Then Result="0"; Else Value=Int(Value); Result=""; While Value>0 Do Result=Mid("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Value%16 + 1,1)+Result; Value=Int(Value/16) ; EndDo; EndIf; If StrLen(Result) < 2 Then Result = "0" + Result; EndIf; Return "%" + Result; EndFunction &AtServer Function EncodeURL(URL) Rez = ""; For MF = 1 To StrLen(URL) Do Ch = Mid(URL,MF,1); Vch = CharCode(Ch); If ("A" <= Ch ) And ( Ch <= "Z") Then // "A".."Z" Rez = Rez + Ch; ElsIf ("a" <= Ch ) And ( Ch <= "z") Then // "a".."z" Rez = Rez + Ch; ElsIf ("0" <= Ch ) And ( Ch <= "9") Then // "0".."9" Rez = Rez + Ch; ElsIf (Ch = " ") Or ( Ch = "+") Then // space Rez = Rez + "+"; ElsIf (Ch = "-" ) Or ( Ch = "_") // unreserved Or (Ch = ".") Or (Ch = "!") Or (Ch = "~") Or (Ch = "*") Or (Ch = "") Or (Ch = "(") Or (Ch = ")") Then Rez = Rez + Ch; ElsIf (Vch <= 127) Then // other ASCII Rez = Rez + Hex(Vch); ElsIf (Vch <= 2047) Then // non-ASCII <= 0x7FF Rez = Rez + Hex(192 + Int(Vch / 64)); Rez = Rez + Hex(128 + (Vch % 64)); Else // 0x7FF < ch <= 0xFFFF Rez = Rez + Hex(224 + Int(Vch / 4096)); Rez = Rez + Hex(128 + (Int(Vch / 64) % 64)); Rez = Rez + Hex(128 + (Vch % 64)); EndIf; EndDo; Return Rez; EndFunction // () &AtServer Function SaveBinaryBufferInFile(Buffer, FileName) Export RSS = New COMObject("ADODB.Stream"); RSS.Type = 1; //Binary RSS.Mode = 3; RSS.Open(); RSS.Write(Buffer); RSS.SaveToFile(FileName); RSS.Close(); EndFunction &AtServer Function PrintCodeServer(OrderLink) Spreadsheet = New SpreadsheetDocument; NameTemporaryFile = GetTempFileName("png"); AddressBeginning = ""; EndAddress = OrderLink.Number + Chars.LF + OrderLink.Counterparty.Description; EndAddress = StrReplace(EndAddress, " ", "+"); EndAddress = EncodeURL(EndAddress); Connection = GetCOMObject("","Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); Connection.Open("GET", AddressBeginning + EndAddress,0,,); Connection.Send(Null); SaveBinaryBufferInFile(Connection.ResponseBody, NameTemporaryFile); //Print Template = Documents.OrderBuyer.GetTemplate("OrderForm"); Area = Template.GetArea("Code"); Area.Drawings.CodeFigure.Picture = New Picture(NameTemporaryFile); Spreadsheet.Put(Area); Return Spreadsheet; EndFunction
As example:
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