Business process editing
Business processes are used to manage sequences of actions that allow a user to perform a task in the context of the business area being automated.
You can create any number of business processes at the configuration stage. The purpose of each business process defines its structure and properties specified in the configuration.
An important characteristic of a business process is its route map that shows the relationships between the manual and automatic actions comprising a sequence that leads to the completion of the business process. Each business process type can have a single route map. However, a route map can have an unlimited number of possible start and end points of the business process.
Each business process type can have an unlimited number of attributes and tabular sections.
Each business process can have multiple predefined forms for viewing and editing.
Each business process is characterized by its number, date, and time. You can set more options during the business process development, such as number length, rules for checking the number uniqueness, and so on.
Within a certain date, the order of business processes is defined by the business process creation time.
Business process properties
You can edit a business process in the editor window.
Along with common properties inherent in all metadata objects, business processes have a number of specific properties.
A task type, one of those already existing in the configuration, must be assigned to a business process. Business processes use tasks to generate jobs by performers and to start business subprocesses.
If you want business process numbers to have assigned automatically, select this check box. One can correct an automatically assigned number.
Number length
This property defines the maximum number length of the business process number.
Number type
This property allows you to select the business process number value type, Number or String.
The string type is useful when a sophisticated numbering system is used and the business process number contains not only digits but also letters and delimiters.
Check uniqueness
If this check box is selected, the number of a newly added business process is checked for uniqueness within the scope defined by the Periodicity property.
This property defines the scope of business process number uniqueness verification and the number recycling period. When the Check uniqueness check box is selected, the Periodicity property specifies the scope of the check.
When the Autonumbering check box is selected, 1C:Enterprise automatically assigns the next sequence number to each new business process. When the period set in the Periodicity property expires, the document numbering sequence restarts at 1.
Input by string
The input by string fields are formed on the Input fields tab.
Main forms
You can specify main forms for each action type on the Main tab of the Forms tab.
In the upper list, select objects that can serve as a basis for generation of a business process of that type; in the lower list, select objects that can be created based on a business process of that type.
During the generation the business process is populated by the predefined procedure Filling(). To facilitate business process entry based on other configuration objects, you can use the Generation settings wizard.
To start the Generation settings wizard, click the button in the bottom right corner.
On the Other tab you can:
open the route map editor window by clicking the Route map button;
specify fields used in managed transaction data locks and specify whether objects of this type are included in the full-text search.