Understanding form module content
Finally we will briefly describe the general algorithm for understanding the form module script on the example of the MaterialsQuantityOnChange event handler that you created earlier.
Suppose you see the following expression in the form module:
TabularSectionRow = FormItems.Materials.CurrentData;
How does one understand the meaning of TabularSectionRow? Let us remember the form context parts.
- Local form module context
- Module form attributes
- Properties and methods of the ManagedForm 1C:Enterprise script object
- Properties and methods of the form extension that is defined by the type of the object whose data is stored in the main form attribute
- Global context, including nonglobal common modules and exported functions and procedures of global common modules
- Exported variables, procedures, and functions of the managed application module
And check these positions one by one:
- Is the TabularSectionRow variable declared in the form module? No.
- Does the form have the TabularSectionRow attribute? No.
- Does the ManagedForm object have the TabularSectionRow property? No.
- Does the form extension have the TabularSectionRow property? No.
- Does the TabularSectionRow global context property exist? No.
- Does the managed application module contain exported TabularSectionRow variable? No.