Understanding templates
The Template configuration object is intended for storing various data presentation forms, which might be required by certain configuration objects or by the entire applied solution.
A template can store a spreadsheet or a text document, binary data, an HTML document or an Active Document, a graphical or geographical schema, a data composition schema, or an appearance template for a data composition schema.
A template can exist independently (a common template), or it can be subordinate to some configuration object.
One of the uses of a template that is subordinate to a configuration object and contains a spreadsheet document is generating a print form for this object. The print form creation consists of laying out its component parts (named areas that are used to assemble a print form).
The methods of populating the areas with data and outputting them into the final form are defined using 1C:Enterprise script. A print form can include various graphic objects: images, OLE objects, charts, and more.
In addition to manual template creation, Designer provides developers with the print wizard, which simplifies the template creation.