We have modified the search engine in lists making it more convenient and understandable.
The first external difference is that now the form command line contains two new items: search string and search control.
As before, in order to find something, it is enough just to start typing on the keyboard the search words. The cursor will automatically go to the search string and it will show the characters you type.
For example, if you want to find what did «Gateway Ltd.» buy wholesale from the middle warehouse, then just type on the keyboard: «gateway whol midd».
Continue reading Search in dynamic lists since 1C:Enterprise 8.3.5
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1C Company released version of 1C:AccountingSuite
1C Company released a new version of 1C:AccountingSuite - What’s new is listed below.
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New release of 1C:Small Business (1.4.7) is available for download
1C Company released a new version of 1C:Small Business. This version includes many bugfixes and new functionality.
1C:Small Business is a powerful business application recommended to use by 1C partners as a base to develop own robust applications for local entrepreneurs and small business owners to help their businesses grow and run more smoothly.
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QR code generation using API Google
For generation the API from Google is used (http://chart.apis.google.com/chart). By creating the necessary URL, it is possible to download a picture generated using API. It is made without the use of external components in order that it was guaranteed to work in the web-client.
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Protection methods 1C:Enterprise code from editing and copying
Often the developers need to protect somehow their 1C code. There are many methods to solve this task. Some of them are more reliable, other less, some are more time consuming, other less. Of course, the most optimal result is achieved by the combinations of methods. But I think that it is unlikely to get one percent protection. Therefore, as in any business, the happy mean is required, i.e. the balance between time consumption and protection level.
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Event subscription in 1C:Enterprise 8
The article considers several examples to apply one of the auxiliary objects of “1С:Enterprsie 8″ platform – event subscription.
Event subscriptions allow you to insert in the modules the external handlers that will be executed after execution of a certain event handler in the object module or manager module.
In this case, it is not required to make any changes in the object module or manager module. Thus, it becomes possible to extend the modules in software without their modification – it is a very useful technique when modifying the standard solutions.
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Use of debugger in “1C:Enterprise 8” system
“1С:Enterprise 8″ system contains a built-in debugger of software code.
Debugger is a special Designer tool which allows you to analyse the work of software code. This article considers some opportunities of debugger which are often used by developers.
To analyse software code using the debugger, a special tool is used which is called break point.
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Data processor to browse the 1C database structure
Data processor allows you to see the names of tables and fields in the form in which DBMS works with them. Will be useful when designing the direct queries to the database server and integrating with other systems (bypassing 1С server).
1С platform is a high-level tool to work with databases. In general, the developer does not need to worry about what and how happens on the DBMS side, because the platform decides itself how many tables it will create and what fields will be inside them.
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Meeting of Developer and Users
On Tuesday Mr. Smith attended the meeting. They took out his brain, laid it out on saucers and started eating, licking their lips and savouring it in every possible way. Mr. Rabbite, Smith’s boss, prudently gave them all teaspoons. And the show began.
“Dear colleagues!” Mrs. Carrots said, “our company has a large-scale task. We’ve got a project to implement, which involves drawing some red lines. Can you take on this task?”
“Of course,” Rabbite said. He was the CEO, and he had been always ready to accept any task that a member of his staff would have to take on. However, he immediately asked: “We can do it, right?”
Continue reading Meeting of Developer and Users
On release of MINI server “1C:Enterprise 8” for 5 connections
«1С» company announces the release in 09.12.2013 of software product “1С:Enterprise 8.3. Server MINI for 5 connections”.
This product is a server of «1С:Enterprise 8.3» of PROF level which provides the launch of no more than five sessions of users in the «1С:Enterprise» mode and one more session in the «Designer» mode (six connections in all each of which requires the client license). In this case, no more than one operating server can be in the server cluster. The operation of 32-bit and 64-bit server of «1С:Enterprise 8» is supported.
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