Category Archives: Common publications

“1C:Enterprise 8” architecture as a product of engineering idea (S.G. Nuraliev)

Publications: 1C:Enterprise 8 architecture as a product of engineering idea (S.G. Nuraliev)

In the article of the head of economic program development department of “1C” company Sergey Nuraliev the architectural and technological innovations implemented in “1C:Enterprise” are examined, which have identified in aggregate a number of completely new technologies of business application development and new qualities of these applications.
The article is published in the newspaper PC Week/Russian Edition (published under license of international publishing house Ziff-Davis Media Inc.), NN 46 , 47 and 48 in 2004. This article version is published with permission of PC Week/RE. A number of additions are included in it which were included in newspaper version for the technical reasons, as well as the illustrations are added.
“1C” company thanks the editors of PC Week/RE for cooperation and assistance in the preparation of this article for publication.

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Typical reasons of non-optimal query operation and optimization methods

Publications: Typical reasons of non-optimal query operation and optimization methods
The article presents the typical reasons of non-optimal operation of queries diagnosed at the configuration code level and considers the techniques if query optimization.

A significant part of problems that lead to the non-optimal query operation is detected by analysing the configuration code and metadata structure. There is a list of typical errors of the code and data structure whose consequences are fairly well studied and easily predictable. The code analysis using this list allows solving most of the problems with query performance without going into the detailed technical information (query text in the SQL language, query plan, etc.).
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Object-oriented view for programming in 1С

Publications: Object-oriented view for programming in 1С
We consider 1C programming as the work with objects and classes.
The first thing that amazed me when learning 1С is the lack of object-oriented programming. No descriptions of classes, inheritance, private methods. But any code should be logically structured. And the classes are the tools that will allow doing that with the lowest nerves.
Then, after working with 1С, I understood that the objects of course exist.

They are predefined (like «Documents», «Information registers»), while others depend on the imagination of programmer («Data processors»). Of course, there is no polymorphism, inheritance, but it is possible to build an object model.
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1C:Enterprise 8.3: several interesting innovations

Publications: 1C:Enterprise 8.3: several interesting innovations
Some things that interested me in the new 1С platform 8.3 - formatted strings, hash-functions and other.

Firstly, an object “DataHashing” appeared. Using the platform tools, it allows getting the MD5 or CRC32 hash. Takes as an input the string or “BinaryData”. Finally, it is possible to calculate hash MD5 without external components. Hurrah! It is done, for example, like this:
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Work with 1С web-service from Android application

When working with front-office for the cafe, the task appeared to access 1С web-service from application developed on Android. Google gave me several answers on how to work with SOAP using the library ksoap2-android. They helped to transfer the simple types, but when it comes to transfer an array, I had to think a little.
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Optimization of client-server applications and features of their development to use in the service model. Part 2.

Let’s discuss the key development moments that affect the performance, resource intensity, reliability and correctness of application solution.
Many of these moments are already fixed as the standards in the System of standards and techniques of configuration development for the 1С:Enterprise 8 platform. Some of these moments are simply historically established practices of correct or, inversely, incorrect use of platform capabilities.
Optimization of client-server applications and features of their development to use in the service model. Part 1.
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Optimization of client-server applications and features of their development to use in the service model. Part 1.

Let’s discuss the key development moments that affect the performance, resource intensity, reliability and correctness of application solution.
Many of these moments are already fixed as the standards in the System of standards and techniques of configuration development for the 1С:Enterprise 8 platform. Some of these moments are simply historically established practices of correct or, inversely, incorrect use of platform capabilities.
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Work with values tree. Managed interface.

Example of work with values tree from the managed form. The catalog “Goods” is displayed in respect to the hierarchy with an ability to select either the item or the group (the items contained in the group are also selected). The work with values tree is demonstrated with an arbitrary hierarchy level using the recursive function.
Continue reading Work with values tree. Managed interface.