1C:Enterprise 8.3. Administrator Guide. Contents
Infobases are created basing on templates. Templates are installed by a dedicated installer that is created when a distribution kit is built in the Designer. A template is a set of distribution files, a manifest file and accompanying files that are used to create an infobase. To find more about creating a distribution kit, see "1C:Enterprise 8.3. Developer Guide".
To be used as templates, configurations and/or infobases should be installed in a special manner on a user computer. All the templates must be located in subdirectories that have a specific structure and must be accompanied by manifest files describing the installed templates.
A system may have multiple template directories, including those located on the network drives. In this manner a unified database of template directories can be created and users will be able to install or update configurations from this database.
By default the template directory is named tmplts and is located at %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv8. A user can change the template directory location and specify links to other directories (with arbitrary names) for the system to use. For details on the process of specifying new template directories, see page 94. The documentation describes handling of the default template directory but all the information is applicable to other template directories as well.
The template directory contains vendor subdirectories. Each solution vendor selects a subdirectory based on its company name (for example, 1C Company places its solutions in the 1C directory). The order of solutions within the selected subdirectory is not regulated. However, we recommend selecting a directory for an individual solution with a name that corresponds to this solution.
The vendor subdirectory contains directories that correspond to versions of the released solutions. Example: tmplts\1C\Accounting\
We recommend observing the above directory arrangement to avoid conflicts between various solution suppliers.
In order to install a configuration, a template for this configuration should be installed. To do so, run setup.exe located in the directory containing the configuration.
Fig. 11. Configuration Installation
Next, specify the directory to install the configuration template to. The default path for the template directory is defined as follows:
All ConfigurationTemplatesLocation parameters in 1cestart.cfg are looked through (see page 241) to find a template directory on the local computer. The user carrying out the installation should have write access to this template directory. If multiple parameters containing such directories are available in 1CEStart.cfg, the first occurrence in the file will be chosen.
If no template directories are found on the local computer, the directory %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv8\tmplts will be created to be used as the default template directory. The record for this new directory will also be included as the first ConfigurationTemplatesLocation parameter in 1CEStart.cfg.
If a user does not want to use the default path, a path to another directory can be specified. The system will try to install configuration template to the specified directory and will add this directory as the first ConfigurationTemplatesLocation parameter in 1cestart.cfg if the attempt is successful.
Next, the installer will copy the configuration template files to the specified directory.
It is possible to decrease the number of steps in the configuration template setup wizard. To do so, run setup.exe with the /s option. In this case only the initial welcoming dialog will be displayed followed by the progress bar for copying of the configuration template files. At that, the configuration template directory will be obtained from 1CEStart.cfg (see page 241), while if it lacks a record for the template directory location, a new directory %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv8\tmplts will be created and used as the default template directory. The record for this new directory will also be included as the first ConfigurationTemplatesLocation parameter in 1CEStart.cfg.
In order to create a specific infobase based on the installed template, you need to run 1C:Enterprise and in the window that opens click the Add … button.
Fig. 13. Adding a New Infobase
Next, select the previously installed template (see page 49) and proceed with the installation (by clicking the Next > button). The process of template tree generation may take a long time.
If an infobase is created using the launcher (see page 57), it is possible to create an infobase based on a template created in any 1C:Enterprise version (i.e. versions 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3). However, if an infobase is created using the thick client, only those templates can be selected that match the version of the file that is run.
Next, specify a name for the infobase and other parameters (see page 74), after which the system creates the infobase.
If an infobase is created in order to uploading data from a dump file (*.dt) or to develop a new configuration, select Create an infobase without configuration… in the Add Infobase/group window (see fig. 14).