New 1C:Small Business 1.5.3 is available now!

1C Company released a new version of 1C:Small Business. It was a lot of hard work to be done and we are proud to introduce you lots of brand new features and a new level of quality.
1C:Small Business is a powerful business app recommended to use by 1C partners as a base to develop own robust applications for local entrepreneurs and small business owners to help their businesses grow and run more smoothly.

Publications: New 1C:Small Business 1.5.3 is available now!

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We have implemented a completely new mechanism to adopt solutions for specific customer – mechanism of extensions.

Why extensions are good?

The extensions provide new strategy to change standard configurations. The use of this new strategy will significantly facilitate maintenance of standard solutions which you want to adopt for the needs of specific deployment, specific customer.
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New functions to work with strings

Released in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.6.
We have extended a set of functions designed to work with strings. We have done this in order to give you more advanced tools to parse string data. New functions will be convenient and useful in technological tasks of text analyzing. In the tasks associated with text parsing which that contains data in a formatted form. It can be the analysis of some files received from hardware or, for example, the analysis of technical journal.
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JSON in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.6

Publications: JSON in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.6JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a text format of data exchange which is widely used in the web-applications. Compared with XML, it is more compact and occupies less space. In addition, all the browsers have the built-in tools to work with JSON.
The necessity to work with this format at the platform level is caused not only by the fact that this is a «fashionable modern» format which the application solutions of 1С:Enterprise can use by themselves for integration with third-party applications. Another reason is that JSON is widely used in the HTTP interfaces. And 1С:Enterprise just has such mechanisms in which you want to use this format. These are the application REST interface automatically generated by the platform and the HTTP-services which you can create by yourself.
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