1C:Enterprise 8.3. Developer Guide. Appendix 4. Full-text Search Expressions

1C:Enterprise 8.3. Developer Guide. Contents


You can search by several words, exact phrases or using search operators. By default synonym-based search and fuzzy search are not used. To perform searches of these types use the appropriate operators.

The following search operators can be used in the input string (both for Help/ Syntax Assistant search and for 1C:Enterprise script FullTextSearch object):

Operator         Sample Expression






Business Success

Business AND Success

Business AND Success

Business & Success

Both "Business" and "Success" must be included







Business OR Success

Business OR Success

Business | Success

Business , Success

Either "Business" and "Success" must be included






Business NOT Success

Business NOT Success

Business ~ Success

"Business" must be included, while "Success" must not





Example 1:

drier NEAR/3 air Example 2:

drier NEAR/+3 air Example 3:

drier NEAR/-3 air

Searches for data that have the specified words in the same attribute (with account taken of morphology) separated by n words.

The sign determines where the second word should be

located with respect to the first word (+ – after the first word; - – before it).

If no sign is specified, the search returns data that contain the words separated by n words. Their order is not important. Example 1 returns data with "air" separated from "drier" by a maximum of 3 words and located before or after "drier". Example 2 returns data with "air" separated from "drier" by a maximum of 3 words and located after "drier".

Example 3 returns data with "air" separated from "drier" by a maximum of 3 words and located before "drier".



Sample Expression




Library NEAR n.a. NEAR Dostoyevsky

Short form. The query finds data with both words in the same attribute; the words can be separated by a maximum of 8 words and located in any position.


"network administrator"

Finds exact terms (equivalent to "network NEAR/+1 administrator)


(process | production) &

(cheese | cottage cheese)

Word grouping (any number of nesting levels)


arch* arch* & docfl*

Searches using a wildcard – any number of "*" characters can be inserted anywhere in the word. Thus, "arch*" query can find "archive" and "archeology"

The AND or, NOT and NEAR operators must be entered in upper case only. Operators must not be used on their own (at the beginning of the search string). For example, it is not possible to select all the chapters without the specified text. All the characters in the search box except for search operators, letters and digits are ignored.

When using 1C:Enterprise script FullTextSearch object please remember the following:


Sample Expression



arch* arch* & docfl*

Searches using a wildcard – only one "*" character is supported and should be added to the end of the word. Thus, "arch*" query can find "archive" and "archeology"




Fuzzy search for words with the number of differences specified in the search box.

"#System" query (equivalent to "System#1") can return "sustem" or "syxtem".

"System#2" query can return "suxtem" or "syytem". It can only be used in full-text search


!red tile

Search is performed using synonyms in English, Russian and Ukrainian. "!" operator precedes the relevant word. Example: "!red tile" query finds "scarlet tile" and "coral tile" as well

The AND or, NOT and NEAR operators must be entered in upper case only. Operators must not be used on their own (at the beginning of the search string). For example, it is not possible to select all the chapters without the specified text.

To look up special characters used in texts enclose them in quotation marks. Example: "NEAR".

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