Base calculation type - a calculation type that produces a result that will be used in recalculation of this calculation type. For example, Salary calculation type serves as a base one for the Bonus calculation type.
Base calculation period is the period within which results of other calculations are analyzed that influence this calculation type by the base period.
Quick custom setting - a setting located within a report form and regularly used.
Leading calculation type - a calculation type that produces a result that forces recalculation of this calculation type if the result is changed. For example, the Absence and Salary calculation types serve as leading ones for the Bonus calculation type.
Calculation type - an algorithm used to calculate a certain portion of the wages, e.g. Salary, Bonus, etc.
Extra dimension types - sections to carry out analytical accounting within various accounts.
Virtual tables - the tables generated by the platform using queries to actual database tables.
Owner - a configuration object that has another configuration object as a subordinate one. For example, the Products catalog is the owner for the Measuring Units catalog.
Temporary table is a program object that can be created by a developer and populated with data for queries to use when needed.
1C:Enterprise script is an important part of the 1C:Enterprise 8 technological platform as it enables a developer to describe their own algorithms that will manage functioning of the application.
Displacement by action period is a process of how displacing calculation types influence the action period of this calculation type.
Displacing calculation type is a calculation type that displaces this calculation type by action period. For example, Absence calculation type serves as a displacing one for the Salary calculation type.
Calculated fields are additional fields of the data composition schema with their values defined using some formula.
Grouping is a component of report structure intended to display information as a regular linear report.
Document register records are records in a register that are created when the document is posted and reflect the changes produced by that document.
Register records - a set of records that reflects changes in a register state. Every record contains values of dimensions, incremented values of resources, etc.
Configuration object tree is a hierarchical structure of all the configuration objects.
Detailed report records are the records obtained when a query is executed without totals.
Chart is a component of report structure intended to display information as a chart.
Gantt chart is a chart of intervals on a timescale that reflects the use of resources (series) by objects (points).
Document is a configuration object designed to record information regarding the status of financial operations or the events occurring within the company in general.
Period addition of the data composition template is intended to specify period additions for groupings with a specified periodicity within the defined time period in order to provide detailed data in a report.
Displacement on base period is a process of how base calculation types influence the base action period of this calculation type.
XML Writer is a 1C:Enterprise script entity intended to write XML formatted documents from the 1C:Enterprise script.
Hierarchy of folders and items is a type of subordination in a hierarchical catalog when an item or a group of items in a catalog is subordinate to this group of items in the catalog.
Register dimensions are configuration objects that are the basis for information accumulation in a register. Example: Material, Warehouse, etc.
Hierarchy of items is a type of subordination in a hierarchical catalog when one item is subordinate to another.
Name of a configuration object is a unique name of the object that serves to call the properties and methods of this object using 1C:Enterprise script.
Information panel is a panel in the bottom of the application window that displays data on the last actions in the software.
Client-server architecture splits the entire working system into three different parts that interact with each other in different manners: Client, 1C:Enterprise Server, and Database Server.
Client is the front end of the application that a user can view and operate.
Record key of an information register is an aggregate of register dimensions' values and period (for periodic information register). An information register cannot contain multiple records with identical keys.
Query wizard is a tool intended to help the developer by offering the means to generate a query with visual tools.
Form wizard is a tool for the developer that follows general principles for wizards and is intended to create forms of configuration objects.
Print wizard is a tool for the developer that follows general principles for wizards and is intended to create templates of print forms for configuration objects.
Module context defines the assortment of objects, variables, procedures, and functions available when the module is executed.
Configuration is a total of developer-created objects, their properties, methods, and behavior algorithms that describe activities of a company. A configuration is developed in the Designer mode.
Database configuration a configuration operated by the users.
1C:Enterprise configurability is software characteristic that enables system settings for specific requirement of an individual company and its goals.
Template is a configuration object intended to store various forms of data presentation and auxiliary data that are used by some configuration object or the entire configuration.
Module is a repository for the 1C:Enterprise script code.
Point in time is a combination of the date, time and a reference to a database object. This concept is intended to explicitly identify any reference type database object, but it generally only applies to documents.
Settings of data composition schema define hierarchical report structure (grouping, table, chart) and its appearance (list of report fields, sorting, filter, conditional appearance of report records, etc).
Independent information register is an information register that does not use any subordination to a recorder.
Regular posting of documents means that the facts that took place in the past or are certain to happen in the future are reflected in the database. Regular document posting is intended to simply reflect data on completed operations in the infobase.
Event handler is a 1C:Enterprise script procedure that is executed when events of configuration objects take place.
Exchange object is a configuration object that should have its data participating in exchanges of a specific exchange plan.
Object method of accessing data is implemented using 1C:Enterprise script entities. For example, the object DocumentObject.ServicesRendered will contain values for all the Services Rendered document's attributes and all the tabular sections it contains.
Configuration object is a logical component or unit a configuration consists of.
Editor of configuration object properties is intended for complex configuration objects and makes it possible to quickly create such objects in step-by-step procedures.
Real-time timestamp is generated by the system for each instance of real-time document posting. Its value is generated based on the current time and the last real-time timestamp generated.
Real time posting of documents by users is carried out in real time mode, i.e. it reflects changes and facts being performed on the spot.
Basic configuration (simply referred to as Configuration) is the configuration intended for a developer to use. It is edited in the Designer.
Debugger is a support tool that facilitates program module development and debugging in 1C:Enterprise.
Properties palette is a dedicated service window that is intended to edit all the properties of a configuration object and other related information.
Action panel is a panel in the top of the application window that contains the commands in compliance with current section selected in the sections panel. These commands are divided into the following default groups: New, Reports, Tools, and developer-created groups.
Sections panel is a panel in the top of the application window that displays functional structure of the application and is intended to quickly navigate between its parts.
Navigation panel is a panel in the left-hand pane of the application window that displays structure of the selected section. Normally, navigation panel is intended to quickly navigate to various lists within the selected software section.
Sections panel is a panel in the top of the application window that displays functional structure of the application and is intended to quickly navigate between its parts.
Recalculation is a configuration object that is subordinate to a calculation register and is intended to register the fact of records being added into the register that will influence calculation results for the register's existing records.
Enumeration is a configuration object that is intended to declare a structure for storage of constant value sets that cannot be modified in the process of configuration operation.
Calculation action period is a user-defined period when a calculation result is considered valid.
Periodic information register is an information register that uses time references.
Chart of characteristic types is a configuration object that is intended to describe information storage structures for user-defined characteristics.
Chart of accounts is a configuration object that is intended to declare the structure that is used to store aggregate information from the control accounts a company uses to group information about its business activities.
Exchange plan is a configuration object that is intended to declare exchange participants (data exchange nodes) and configuration objects that have their data participate in the exchange (exchange objects).
Job scheduler is a connection that initiates jobs in compliance with a schedule.
Platform is the basis of 1C:Enterprise that enables operation of a configuration and makes it possible to modify existing configurations or create new ones.
Subsystems are configuration objects that are intended to separate some functional parts in the configuration that are logical parts of the created application.
Subordinate configuration objects are configuration objects that are logically connected with another configuration object and are subordinate to this object. Example: Attributes, Forms, etc.
Custom settings is a set of settings defined by a user prior to report generation.
Predefined items are the configuration object items that are created by a developer and do not depend on user actions.
Accounting flag is a configuration object that is subordinate to a chart of accounts and is intended to store accounting type (e.g. quantitative and currency) on a specific account.
Extra dimension accounting flag is a configuration object that is subordinate to a chart of accounts and is intended to store extra dimension accounting type (e.g. additive, quantitative or currency) on a specific account.
Application contains all the features required for a company to operate. This portion of the system is visible to the end user.
Primitive data types: Number, String, Date, and Boolean. Primitive data types are predefined within the system and are limited in number.
Posting of a document means that the events recorded in the document have had an effect on the account.
Work area of the application is the working window of the application that displays list forms and other navigation commands.
Desktop is the application section that is intended to host the documents, reports, catalogs, and other items most frequently accessed by the user.
Accounting register is a configuration object that is intended to declare structures for accumulation of accounting data that will be accounted for based on some chart of accounts.
Accumulation register is a configuration object that is intended to describe the structure of data accumulation.
Turnover register is an accumulation register that accumulates turnover values.
Calculation register is a configuration object intended to describe the structure of accumulation for data resulting from complex periodic calculations.
Information register is a configuration object that is intended to declare multidimensional storage structures for data.
Recorder of a register is a configuration object that can create records in the register.
Form editor combines multiple interconnected windows for editing form data and controls, form commands, form module, etc.
1C:Enterprise mode is the mode intended for users to work with the software. In this mode, users enter data, process it, and obtain the results.
Designer mode is intended for developers to modify an existing configuration or to create a new one.
Attributes of a configuration object are developer-defined properties that describe the configuration object. Example: PartNumber, Manufacturer, etc.
Attributes of a register is a set of register properties intended to store additional information.
Resources of a register are the information types accumulated by the register. Example: Quantity, Amount, etc.
Resources of data composition schema are the fields with their values calculated based on detailed records included in a grouping. The nature of resources is that they are group or overall totals of a report.
Parent is a catalog item or group of items depending on the hierarchy type followed by other items in the catalog.
Role is a configuration object that is intended to declare user permissions to execute various actions on some information stored in the infobase.
1C:Enterprise server is the part of 1C:Enterprise that transfers queries from the client application to the database server and returns query results back to the client. The majority of 1C:Enterprise script algorithms are executed on the server as well as preparation of data to display forms, reports, etc.
Database server is a third-party software. Its main purpose is arranging databases and their maintenance.
Synonym of a configuration object is intended to store an alternative name for a configuration object that will be used in the software interface.
Syntax Assistant is a tool intended to help a developer. This tool hosts descriptions of all the program objects used by the system along with their methods, properties, events, etc.
Data composition system is a powerful and flexible tool involved in reports generation that makes it possible to carry out all the required actions: from obtaining data from various sources to displaying the data in a user-friendly manner.
Events are various situation that take place in the process of application operation. Events are connected to specific configuration objects. For example, the OnOpen event of the Form configuration object occurs when a form is opened.
Catalog is a configuration object intended to operate lists of data.
Default attributes are the configuration object properties that are automatically generated by the platform. Example: Code, Description, etc.
Extra dimensions - specific objects to carry out analytical accounting within various accounts.
Data composition schema is the basis for report building that contains initial data needed to compose the report.
Table is a component of report structure intended to display information as a table.
Tabular section is a collection of information that has the same structure but varies in quantity and is intended for different items of a configuration object. For example, the list of employers in the Employees catalog.
Table access to data is implemented via database queries. This technique allows a developer to work with individual fields in database tables containing some data.
Type-specifying objects are the configuration objects that can generate new data types.
Breakpoints make it possible to interrupt program execution during debugging in the locations of such breakpoints.
Transaction is an indivisible sequence of data manipulations that brings the database from one integral condition to a new one. If for some reason one of the transaction actions cannot be accomplished, the database returns to the status it was in prior to the transaction.
Actual calculation period is a period that is obtained based on the action period of this calculation type after all the calculation types that displace this type by action period are analyzed.
Functional options enable a developer to separate some functionality of an application that can be enabled or disabled in real time in the process of deploying and/or during operation.
XML Reader is a 1C:Enterprise script entity intended to read XML formatted documents from the 1C:Enterprise script.
Query language is a special language that is used to describe the algorithm to select data from database query tables. This algorithm is hosted in the query text.
XML serialization converts 1C:Enterprise object into an XML formatted data sequence and back-converts it, i.e. converts an XML formatted data sequence into a 1C:Enterprise object provided that it corresponds to one of the object types in 1C:Enterprise.