1C:Enterprise 8.3. User Manual. Taxi interface. Chapter 4. Management of Various Data Types

1C:Enterprise 8.3. User Manual. Taxi Interface. Contents



This chapter covers features used to manage such data as documents and document journal as well as information on specific properties of infobase objects.


One of the required attributes of a configuration object is its code (number for documents).

Depending on the configuration, an item code can be assigned automatically or manually when the item is created.

If automatic numbering is defined for a specific object, when the item is saved, the code (number) text box will contain the code (number) generated by the software. This code (number) can be edited but the software will verify that this new code (number) does not match any of the codes (numbers) for objects of the same type that already exist in the system.

If the system identifies that this code (number) has already been used, a warning will be displayed.

Prefix. A prefix of code (number) can be specified for a configuration object. So when an item is created, the subsequent code (number) will be suggested based on the rules of automatic code (number) assignment with the specified prefix as well. However, you can completely change the suggested code (number), including its prefix.


1C:Enterprise supports creation of new items based on existing data.

This allows you to raise an invoice using the information from a previously created invoice.

The order for the specific attributes of the template object to be moved to a copied object is defined when such objects are created during configuration development.

You can get information about the possibility of a based-on object creation in the configuration description.

To add an object based on another object, select a template object in the list, use Generate item of the command bar and choose the type of the created object in the dropdown submenu.

A form to create a new object of the selected type will be displayed where the attributes will be filled with information copied from the source object.

When a document is created, it is assigned the next sequence number. The current date will be used as the document date.


There are two deletion modes: direct deletion and marking for deletion. The particular user’s rights determine the availability of the modes. If direct deletion is permitted, the responsibility for any violation of infobase reference integrity lies with the administrator who has authorized the use of this mode and the user who has deleted the items referred to in the infobase.

As a rule, if it is defined in the specific configuration, the system maintains reference integrity of the infobase objects: in this mode direct deletion of some system objects (such as documents) is not allowed; you can only set an object deletion mark, but you cannot delete the object. The objects are only deleted when the appropriate service procedure is carried out using Delete Marked Objects from the All functions list if this operation is available to the specific end user.

To set a deletion mark for an item, place the cursor to the row containing the item and select More – Mark for deletion/Unmark for deletion.

To unmark an item in a list for deletion, position the cursor in the row containing the previously marked item and select More – Mark for deletion/Unmark for Deletion. A conventional icon located in the leftmost column of the list will be changed. The commands to mark and unmark for deletion may also be available in the forms of objects from the More menu.


When you mark a folder for deletion or unmark it, it applies to all the items in the folder. The same rule applies to items of a subordinate list.

For details on deletion modes (direct deletion, marking and unmarking for deletion), see "1C:Enterprise 8.3. Administrator guide".


1C:Enterprise supports data from external databases. Depending on the program settings, data from external sources may be viewed, used in the reports and processed through a web client.

The system administrator is able to define the general settings for connecting to an external source.

A new connection must always be established whenever you try to access data from an external source with no previously existing connection to it. Once such a connection has been successfully established, the activity selected will continue. If the connection parameters have not been specified, the program will display the parameters setting dialog when trying to establish a connection.

Fig. 70. The external data source connection dialog

You are able to store the user name and password and use them in the future with the correct authorization. To save the parameters, select the Remember checkbox. After you have entered the data, the program connects to an external source and displays the following message: Connected to external data source successfully. Try again. You can continue working with data from an external source afterwards.


If during configuration development a print form is created for an object in addition to the screen form of a dialog, the dialog for object editing usually contains a button that results in generation of the form. This button is usually labeled Print, though it may have any other similar label.

When you click Print (or use any other actions specified in the configuration description), a print form is generated.

The generated print form may be opened in a new window of the standard 1C:Enterprise spreadsheet editor. If only part of the form is visible in the window, the arrow keys and scroll bars can be used to display the remaining portion of the form.

If required, an automatically generated print form can be edited. The edit mode should be enabled using Table – View – Edit item of the main menu.

An edited print form can be saved to the hard drive file. To do so, select File – Save or File – Save As.

Working in the 1C:Enterprise spreadsheet editor is described in detail in the "1C:Enterprise 8.3. User manual", Appendix 3 in "1C:Enterprise 8.3. User manual" (available in electronic version of the documentation).

To print a form directly, select File – Print item of the main menu. The standard print setup dialog will open. For details, see "Print Setup" in the Appendix 3 in "1C:Enterprise 8.3. User manual" (available in the electronic version of the documentation).


When multiple users work in the software, they may attempt to edit the same object. In this case only the user who began editing before everyone else would be able to complete editing of the object. When other users attempt to edit the object, a warning will be displayed featuring the session number and computer name that locked this object. For example:

Fig. 71. Object lock error

To edit a released object, you should reread it from the database.


In 1C:Enterprise information about company’s business operations is recorded in documents. Documents can be displayed in the lists of documents of the same type or in journals. A journal is a list of documents of various types.

In general, a table of document journal always includes a column named Document type that lists names of the documents.

Fig. 72. "Financial documents" document journal

As a rule, the leftmost column in a journal or list of documents is a service one. It shows document status using various icons:

Fig. 73. Status of a document in a journal

„ Recorded – the document has been saved (recorded) but has not been posted.

„ Posted – the document has either been posted or posting is not supported for the document.

„ For deletion – the document has been marked for deletion.

4.7.1. Viewing Document Journal

To view document journals, use the general methods of working with lists. For details on these methods, see "Viewing a List" on the page 50.

If sorting by date mode is selected in a list of document journals, the records are displayed in chronological order when the journal is displayed. The following rules are applied in this situation:

„ the records in the journal are ordered by date,

„ the records of the same date are ordered by document time.

If sorting by date is disabled, the documents are displayed by the input order.

4.7.2. Adding a New Document from the Document Journal

If a journal displays documents of multiple types, when a new document is created from the list form, you will be prompted to select the type of the document.

Fig. 74. Prompt to select a document type

This list will only include the names of the document types that are displayed in the current journal.

If the appropriate command is provided for in the Create group of the action panel, documents can be entered without opening a journal or list of documents.

In the list of document types, select the required type for the document and click OK. Next a form for the newly created document will be displayed for you to populate its attributes.

If a journal stores documents of a single type, the list of document types will not be displayed; instead, the document attributes entry dialog box will be displayed immediately.

4.7.3. Document Date and Time

Almost all the documents have fields to enter their dates and numbers.

Specifying the document time is an important specific feature of the 1C:Enterprise. Documents are arranged chronologically and often they are processed in the chronological order specified by the document’s date and time. Thus, a document’s time is used not only to display the astronomic time when the document was input into the system, but mostly to order the documents of the same date.

The date suggested by the system can be changed. When a document is recorded, normally the current time is assigned.

4.7.4. Posting a Document

Posting a document is an action that reflects the document data in various accounting mechanisms based on the data contained in the document. Postability is a predefined property of a document. When a document is posted, the information contained in the document is recorded in various registers by creating register records. Register records represent the information about how the register state changes as a result of document posting.

When you click the button in the document form that is intended to post the document (usually it is Post and close or Post), the document is posted and closed. A posted document will be marked in the document journal with a special icon (see fig. 75).

In some cases, when posting a document is attempted, a situation arises that prevents the document from being posted. For example, when posting an invoice it is discovered that there is an insufficient quantity of the required goods in the warehouse. A message will be displayed informing the user that the document cannot be posted. In this situation the document will not be closed automatically. You can edit the document and reattempt to post it.

To unpost a document, select More – Clear posting. After a confirmation, the icon next to the document will change (see fig. 75).

Fig. 75. Document posted status

When a document is unposted, unless otherwise defined in the configuration, all the actions applied by the document during posting are cancelled.

An unposted document can be edited, recorded, posted (or not posted). The icon in the leftmost column correctly reflects the current status of the document.

4.7.5. Unpostable Documents

Documents that are not intended to be posted in this configuration are not posted but they are marked with the same icon in the lists of documents that is used for posted documents. You cannot unpost unpostable documents (see fig. 76).

Fig. 76. List of unpostable documents

4.7.6. Viewing Document Register Records

To analyze the changes that a posted document has caused in the registers, a configuration may specify for viewing of the register records. The way the register records are viewed is specified in the configuration description.

The form used to view register records is a list. This list displays register records. The assortment of columns in the list depends on the structure of the selected register.

The form of viewing accumulation register records can be as follows:

Fig. 77. Accumulation register

The register list form always has two mandatory columns.

The Line number column may include the number of the record in the register record set that is created when the document is processed.

The Period column features a special icon that demonstrates the nature of the changes applied to this register. A + (plus) sign denotes an increase of the absolute value of the register dimension while - (minus) sign demonstrates a decrease. In the above example, it is the + (plus) sign that shows that the quantity of goods has increased.


Business processes in 1C:Enterprise are intended to combine individual operations into chains of interrelated actions, allowing specific goals to be achieved. For example, the issuance of an invoice, acceptance of cash payment, and shipment of goods from a warehouse can be combined into the Sale of goods business process.

Such chains of interrelated operations within a business process are presented in the business process route map. A route map (flowchart) describes the logic of the business process and its entire life cycle, from start to finish, in the form of a map of the passing sequence for interrelated points in the process.

A route point reflects a stage in the life cycle of a business process, normally involving performance of a single automatic or manual operation.

Tasks in 1C:Enterprise allow you to keep a record of jobs sorted by performer, and reflect the progress of business processes through the flowchart. In addition to business processes, tasks can be created by other infobase objects or directly by users.

When a business process reaches any route point where actions of a specific performer are defined, a task is generated (or multiple tasks for a group action). When the performer marks the task as executed, the business process automatically passes to the next route point in compliance with the flowchart. Thus, tasks are the driving force for business processes.

The specific business processes and their interconnection with tasks are described in the configuration description.

The general principles of working with business processes and tasks are similar to working with other objects (for example, documents and lists), therefore we will cover specific features in this Manual.

4.8.1. List of Business Processes

By default, a list of business processes displays the following information:

„ Date – date and time of business process creation;

„ Number – number (unique to a business process);

„ Started – a mark showing that the business process has been started;

„ Completed – business process completion mark (all the tasks generated by the business process have been executed);

„ Head task – the task on the basis of which the business process has been created.

The list of business processes Sale of goods may look as follows:

Fig. 78. List of business processes "sale of goods"

Business process statuses are marked by the icons:

Fig. 79. Status of a business process

If a business process has not been started yet (there are no tasks associated with this process and the Started mark is not set), this icon is shown in black and white, and not in color.

Completed – a business process is considered to be completed when it reaches the end point on the flowchart, with all corresponding tasks executed.

4.8.2. List of Tasks

By default, a list of tasks displays the following information:

„ Number – number (unique to a task).

„ Description – task name.

„ Date – date and time of task creation.

„ Completed – task completion mark.

„ Business process – the business process that has generated this task.

„ Route point – the business process route point where the task was created.

In addition to the above data, it is possible to define additional columns to display values of any other business process or task attributes.

Task statuses are marked by icons:

Fig. 80. Task status

4.8.3. Executing a Task

Task execution is an important stage of a business process life cycle. When a task is executed, its business process passes to the next route point in compliance with the flowchart, which results in generating new tasks within this business process. To execute a task, select More – Completed for the required task from the task form.

The system may provide for opening of additional windows during task execution, for example, to display warning messages or to enter additional information. An execution check can also be specified. This check can prohibit execution of a task if certain conditions are not complied with (for example, if the document is not approved or if a discount is not applied to an invoice).

The executed tasks are marked with a special icon and have the Completed check box checked.

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