Scalability is a system ability to adapt to the expansion of producible requirements and to an increase of the volumes of solved tasks.
Work of one application solution in different conditions
1C:Enterprise 8 system has the good scalability capabilities. It allows working both in the file variant and using the technology «client-server».
Personal use, file operation variant
Small workgroup, file operation variant
Large enterprise, client-server operation variant
Holding, distributed information base
It is important to note that the same solutions (configurations) can be used both in the file and clien-server operation variants. When transferring from the file variant to the «client-server» technology, it is not required to introduce the changes in the application solution. Therefore, the choice of operation variant depends entirely on the customer needs and his financial resources. At the initial stage, it is possible to operate in the file variant and then, with increasing of the number of users and database size, it is possible to go easily to the client-server operation variant from own information base.
Multi-user work
One of the main system scalability indicators is an ability to work in case of increase of the number of solved tasks, processed data volume and a number of intensively working users:
In the client-server variant an ability of parallel operation is provided for a large number of users. As the texts show, with increase of the number of users a speed of the input of documents decreases very slowly. This means that, when increasing a number of intensively working users, a speed of automated system response remains at the acceptable level.
In the data model supported by the 1C:Enterprise 8 system there are no database tables that clearly lead to the concurrent access of multiple users. A concurrent access occurs only when addressing the logically connected data and do not affect the data not related to each other in terms of subject area.
When performing the scheduled operations, the situations are excluded when it is required to set an exclusive mode to get started. The scheduled operations can be performed at the moments of time convenient for the users and organization. An exclusive mode is set not when the system starts, but at the moment when it is necessary to perform an operation that requires its launching. After performing such operations, an exclusive mode can be disabled.
Optimization mechanisms
The technological platform of 1C:Enterprise contains a set of mechanisms that optimize an operation speed of application solutions.
Transaction lock control
A mode of controlled transaction locks allows controlling the data locks in terms of subject area and improves the parallelism of the work of users.
Execution on server
In the client-server variant the use of 1C:Enterprise 8 server concentrating on it an execution of the most volume data processing operations. For example, when performing even very complex queries, the program that running on the user side will receive only the sample required for it, and all the intermediate processing will be performed on the server. Usually, it is much easier to increase the server capacity than to update the entire park of client machines.
Data caching
1C:Enterprise 8 system uses a mechanism for caching data read from the database when using the objective technique. When addressing the object attribute, all object data are read in the cache located in RAM. The subsequent calls to the attributes of the same object will be directed to the cache, rather than to the database, that significantly reduces the time spent to receive the necessary data.
Script operation on server
When operating in client-server variant, all the work of applied objects is performed only on the server. The functionality of forms and command interface is also implemented on the server.
Preparation of form data, arrangement of elements, saving form data after modification are performed on the server. The form prepared on the server is displayed on the client as well as the data input and server calls to write the entered data and other necessary actions.
Similarly, the command interface is generated on the server and is displayed on the client. Also, the reports are completely generated on the server and are displayed on the client.
1C:Performance management center – tool for performance monitoring and analysis
1C:Performance management center (1C:PMC) – a tool for monitoring and analysis of the performance of information systems on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. 1C:PMC is intended to evaluate the system performance, to collect a detailed technical information about the existing performance problems and to analyze this information for further optimization.
1C:TestCenter – tool for load testing automation
1C:TestCenter – an automating tool for multi-user load testing of the information systems on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. With its help it is possible to simulate the enterprise work without participation of real users that allows evaluating the usability, performance and scalability of the information system in actual practice.
Deployment of corporate information systems on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform
An experience of the deployment of application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform shows that the system allows solving the tasks of different complexity – from automation of one workplace to creation of the enterprise-wide information systems.
At the same time, deployment of a large information system makes the higher demands compared to the small and medium deployment. The enterprise-wide information base has to provide an acceptable performance in conditions of simultaneous and intensive work of a large number of users who use the same information and hardware resources in the concurrent mode.
Knowledge base for technological questions of large deployments
"1C" company together with the certified "1C:Experts of technological questions" and other technological specialists maintains and regularly updates a knowledge base for the technological questions of large deployments.
Knowledge base is a constantly updated information resource which is the main information source for the technological questions of large deployments:
- Techniques and technologies focused on improving the quality of large deployments
- Technological problems of large deployments and their solutions