1C:Standard subsystems library
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Developer tool "1C:Standard subsystems library 8" (SSL) is a set of universal functional subsystems and a technology for development of application solutions on the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform. Using SSL, it is possible to quickly create new configurations with finished basic functionality as well as to include the ready functional blocks to the existing configurations. The use of SSL when developing the application solutions will allow also achieving greater standardization of configurations that will reduce the time to learn and deploy the application solutions thanks to their unification on a set of the used standard subsystems.

The subsystems supplied in SSL cover such areas as information base administration, administration of the system users, access setup to the information base data, conducting various referenced data (addressed classifier, currency exchanges, calendar graphics, etc.). SSL provides with the basic custom and software interfaces to work with tasks and business processes, attached files and electronic digital signatures, contact information, additional attributes and information, mail messages, etc. They can be used in the developed configuration both altogether and separately.
Together with subsystems, SSL offers the individual techniques for development of application solutions. The developer is provided with the ready sections to include in the user documentation of application solution on the base of SSL. For the task of initial deployment and subsequent updates of SSL versions in the application solutions there is a special tool – deployment assistant. Its function is to support decision-making for SSL deployment in the configuration as well as to control an actual result of SSL deployment. Since making decisions of SSL deployment and a control of their execution does not require "an immersion" in the technical implementation details, the design, implementation and control can be performed with different specialists and at the different points of time. The library capabilities are used in full in the application solutions of "1C" company itself:
- 1C:Trade management, release 11
- 1C:Small business 8
- 1C:Workflow 8
- and other.