Accumulation registers are the applied configuration objects. They form the basis of funds records accounting mechanism (finances, goods, materials, etc.) which allows automating such areas as inventory control, mutual payments, planning.
Accumulation register forms a multidimensional system and allows "accumulating" the numerical values in the context of several measures. For example, in this register it is possible to accumulate the information about the remains of goods in the context of nomenclature and warehouse or the information about the sales volumes in the context of nomenclature and subdivision of company.
Information of accumulation register is stored as the records each of which contains the values of measures and corresponding values of the resources.
The register dimensions describe the profiles in which the information is stored, and in the register resources the required numerical values are accumulated. For example, for the register CustomerOrders which has the following structure:
the records that make the changes of register resources in database will be as follows:
Since accumulation register serves to accumulate the numerical values, each record performs the modification of the stored resources – a register record. The records, in general case, can either add some increments to the stored resources or subtract them. If an increase of the stored resources must be executed, – this record is called the income record ("+"), if decrease of the stored resources – an expenditure record ("-").
Together with each record presented in the accumulation register, it is possible to store the additional arbitrary information. For this purpose, the attributes of accumulation register are used.
Connection with recorder
Modification of accumulation register state usually happens in the document conduction. That is why each register record is connected with a certain document – a recorder, number of the line of this document, and date – a period:
In general, the value of field Period may not coincide with document date. For example, the document Sales plan can input in the accumulation register the records of supposed sales of the company with several different dates.
The composition of documents which the records can create in the accumulation register is defined by the developer when creating the application solution:
Register records wizard
The algorithms according to which the records are generated in the register are described with the script tools in the procedures of corresponding documents. The system includes the register records wizard which helps the developer to create the algorithms of document conduction. Read more...
Record uniqueness
The system provides the uniqueness control of the records stored in the accumulation register. Thanks to this accumulation register, it cannot be two records related to the same line of the same document.
Registers of remains and registers of transactions
There are two types of accumulation registers: the accumulation registers of remains and the accumulation registers of transactions. The accumulation registers of remains allow storing both the resulting values of resources – remains, and the changes of these resources – transactions. The accumulation register of transactions is more "specialized" type of accumulation register and allows storing only the changes of resources – transactions.
The presence of accumulation register of remains is related to the fact that during automation of economic activities there are a large number of situations when it is required to accumulate only the transactions, but the values of remains have no sense. The typical example of the use of accumulation register of transactions is the register Incomes and Expenses which stores the information about the sales volumes:
Since the accumulation register of transactions does not accumulate the remains of resources, there is no sense for it "to direct" the resources record (income and expenditure); only the value of the changes of resources is accumulated. Therefore, all the records of accumulation register of transactions are marked by the same widgets.
For the accumulation registers of transactions the platform supports the special mechanism of aggregates which allows significantly accelerating data obtaining from the registers that contain a large number of records – hundreds of thousands and millions of records.
List form and form of record set
In order to ensure the user to view the data contained in the accumulation register, the system supports the display form of accumulation register – a list form. It allows sorting and selecting the displayed information by several filters.
The system can automatically generate this form. Along with this, the developer may create his own forms which the system will use instead of default forms, including the form of record set that allows adding, changing and deleting the records of information register.
Accumulation register functionality
The main functional capabilities that are provided by the accumulation register for developer are:
- selection of records in a given interval by specified filters;
- selection of records by recorder;
- obtaining the remains and transactions on a given point of time by specified values of measures;
- operation mode with separation of the results which provides more high parallelism of writing in the register;
- disabling the use of current results;
- calculation of results for a given date;
- reading, changing and writing a record set in the register;
- ability to write in the register without recalculation of the results;
- complete recalculation of the results and recalculation of results for a given period.