Charts of calculation types are the applied configuration objects . They are used in the mechanism of complex periodical calculations and serve to describe the calculation types and their mutual influence of one to another.
The chart of calculation types is a list of calculation types. Each calculation type has a code, a name and a set of attributes that contain the additional information about this calculation type:
For example, the chart of calculation types Main charge of organizations may look as follows:
Creation and editing of calculation types can be performed both by the developer (predefined calculation types) and by the user during operation of application solution. However, the user cannot delete the calculation types created by the developer.
The calculation types created in the chart of calculation types can influence one to another. The system supports two types of this influence: dependence by base period and displacement by validity period.
For each calculation type it is possible to indicate a set of calculation types on which it will depend by base period and which will displace it by validity period.
For example, the accounting type Alimony can depend by base period on such calculation types as Salary, TariffDay, SurchargePersonal, etc. And the calculation type Salary can be displaced by the calculation type Truancy:
In addition to these dependencies, for the calculation type the so-called leading calculation types can be specified – those types on which it does not depend directly, but which can influence to it through the other calculation types.
Forms of the chart of calculation types
In order to make it possible for the user to view and change the data contained in the chart of calculation types, the system supports its several display forms. The system can automatically generate the necessary forms; along with this, the developer may create his own forms which will be used by the system instead of default forms:
List form
To view the calculation types, a list form is used. It allows navigating over the list, adding, marking for deletion and deleting the calculation types. The list form allows sorting and selecting the displayed information by several filters:
Calculation type form
To view and change the data of individual calculation types, a calculation type form is used. Usually it represents the data in human-friendly and convenient for editing form:
In addition to these two forms, for the calculation types the form for selecting the particular calculation types from the list is supported. Usually it contains a minimal set of information required to select one or another calculation type.