Exchange plans are the general configuration objects. They are used to implement the data exchange mechanism.
Exchange plan contains information about the nodes that can be involved in the data exchange, determines the composition of data with which the exchange will be performed, and indicates whether the mechanism of distributed information base should be enabled during the exchange.
In a single applied solution it can be several exchange plans each of that can describe its own order of data exchange. For example, if the data exchange is executed with the remote warehouses and remote offices, then, more likely, there will be two exchange plans (one for the exchange with warehouses, another – for offices), since the composition of data with which the exchange with warehouses is performed will be much "more narrow" than the composition of data oriented for the exchange with offices.
In the exchange plan a list of nodes is stored - the members of exchange in the distributed information system. As the nodes can be the information bases of 1C:Enterprise 8 or other information systems that are not based on the 1C:Enterprise.
For each node it is possible to set the code, name and required list of attributes that describe the node. The node may have also several subordinate table parts to store information associated with this node, several forms to display information contained in the exchange plan, etc. For example, the structure of exchange plan ExchangeSmallBusinessAccounting20 can be as follows:
When creating the exchange plan, there is a possibility to indicate whether it will involve the mechanisms of distributed information base or not.
Also in the exchange plan the composition of data with which it is supposed to perform the exchange is indicated:
For each application solution object that can be involved in the exchange the mode for registering their changes is set. If auto registration is allowed, the system tracks itself the executed changes and forms a set of data to be exchanged. If the developer denies the auto registration of the changes - he has to perform registration of required changes by himself using the script tools.
Mechanisms implemented by the exchange plan
- Mechanism of distributed information bases
Allows creating within a specific exchange plan the distributed information base. The distributed information base is a hierarchical structure consisting of the separate information bases of 1C:Enterprise – the nodes of distributed information base between which the data exchange is organized in order to synchronize the configuration and data. - Changes registration service
The essence of changes registration is to have a list of the changed data items that should be transmitted in the next message to one or another node with which the data exchange is performed. During each data change it is registered that there are the changes to be sent to all the nodes with which the exchange of these data is supported. When receiving an acknowledgment message in which the changes were sent, the records of the changes registration must be deleted. - Message infrastructure
In terms of the exchange plan, the message exchange is performed between the nodes. Each message contains the data changes, the configuration changes (if this is a distributed information base) and a set of service information. Each message is exactly associated with the exchange plan, has an unique identifier and one sender and one receiver.