Information registers are the applied configuration objects. They allow storing in the application solution the arbitrary data in the section of multiple measures. For example, in the information register it is possible to store the currencies exchange in the section of currencies or the enterprise prices in the section of nomenclature and type of the prices.
The data in the information register is stored as the records each of that contains the values of measures and the corresponding values of resources.
The register dimensions describe the sections in which information is stored, and the register resources contain directly the stored information. For example, for the information register Price list which has the following structure:
the records stored in database will be as follows:
Together with each record contained in the information register, it is possible to store the additional arbitrary information. For this purpose the attributes of information register are used.
One of the opportunities of information register is data storage not only in the section of the mentioned measures, but also in the section of time. The developer can specify the minimal periodicity with which the records will be added to the register:
In this case, to each register record the field Period will be added which stores the date when the records were saved in the register. The use of information register periodicity allows not only storing the statistical data, but also tracking their modification over the time.
For example, the periodic information register Price list can store the information about not only what is the price for certain nomenclature now, but also about how it was changed in the past (or will be changed in the future).
Submission to recorder
Introduction of the changes in the information register can be performed both manually and using the documents. In case when the changes in the information register are made using the documents, the special field is added to each register record in which the information about recorder is stored – a document with which this record is associated. When creating an application solution, the developer indicates what exactly write mode will be used by this information register:
The use of write mode Subordinate to recorder can be useful in case when the logic of application solution operation requires that the changes executed in the information register are hardly associated with the documents that fix the facts of economical activity.
For example, the change of company prices can performed only with a certain scope of persons and each this change must accompanied by the "paper" document. In this case, it is possible to use the mode of submission to recorder in which the change of prices can be executed with only a special document – Change of goods prices.
Record uniqueness
The system provides the control of record uniqueness stored in the information register. Thus, it cannot be two similar records in the information register. The records are considered as the same in which the writing key coincides. The writing key is formed by the system automatically based on the values contained in the record fields and depends on the type of information register.
In general, in the key formation the values of recorder, period and the values of measures will be involved. Thus, for example, in non-periodic information register Price list with independent write mode cannot be two records of retail price of assorted candy. Similarly as in the periodic information register Price list submitted to recorder it cannot be two records of retail price of assorted candy introduced with the same date by the same document Change of goods prices.
In order to make it possible for the user to view and edit the data contained in the information register, the system supports several display forms of the register. The system can automatically generate all the required register forms. Along with this, the developer may create his own forms which the system will use instead of default forms.
List form
To view data contained in the information register, a list form is used. It allows navigating over the register, adding, marking for deletion and deleting the register records. The list form allows sorting and selecting the displayed information by several filters:
Record form
To view and change the individual register records, a record form is used. Usually it represents the data in human-friendly and convenient for editing form:
Information register functionality
The main functional capabilities provided by the information register for the developer are:
- creation, changing and deletion of records;
- selection of records in a given interval by specified filters;
- selection of records by recorder;
- obtaining the values of record resources corresponding to a given period and values of dimensions;
- obtaining the values of resources for the earliest and latest register records corresponding to a given period and values of dimensions.