Configuration object

Configuration objects are the compound elements, "details" that construct any application solution.

They represent the task-oriented objects supported at the technological platform level. Generally speaking, the developer’s task is to assemble, like from a construction kit, the necessary application solution structure and then to describe the specific algorithms of interaction and operation of these objects which are different from their standard behavior.

The composition of the objects supported by the technological platform is a result of the analysis of 1C:Enterprise application areas and the selection and classification of the business entities used in these areas. As a result of this analysis, the developer can manipulate such objects as catalogs, documents, information registers, charts of accounts, etc.

In order to standardize and simplify the process of application solution development and modification, the developer is provided with GUI which enables to describe a set of objects used in a particular application solution:

1C:Enterprise 8 - Configuration object

Based on this description, the technological platform will create in database the corresponding data structures and will properly work with data stored in these structures. There is no need for the developer to care about in which tables, for example, the data should be placed, how will it be modified or represented to the user. All these actions the platform will execute automatically based on the standard behavior of the used objects.

Thus, the developer manipulates metadata – "data about data" or configuration objects. When adding a new configuration object to the application solution structure, the developer, in fact, adds the description of how the corresponding data will be placed and how it will interact with other data in the database.

The composition of the objects that can be used by the developer is fixed and determined at the platform level. The developer cannot create his own object types, he can only manipulate the available set of objects. Such approach to the application solution development allows, firstly, standardizing the development process and, secondly, providing quick and simple application solution modification by the other developers and users.

The composition of the main configuration objects used in 1C:Enterprise 8 is listed below:

Document, Document journal,Numerator,Sequence

Catalogs are used to describe such entities as goods, contractors, currencies, warehouses, etc. All these entities have the common properties: internal identification of an object in the system, necessity to support the hierarchy and grouping of the elements, necessity to support the nested tables, etc.

Used to describe such entities as bills, invoices, orders, etc. These entities capture different events occurring in the enterprise life; they are time-related, contain the nested tables, must be represented in the accounting mechanisms, etc.

Accumulation register
Information register

Accumulation registers are “responsible” for accounting the movements of the resources (finances, goods, materials, etc.). They allow automating such areas as warehouse accounting, mutual calculations, planning. Accumulation registers store information about arrival and consumption of certain resources, and the functionality of these objects enables to get remains for a particular moment of time, calculation of the results, caching the results, etc.

Information registers are intended for storing multi-dimensional information about the different values. Such values may be, for example, the currency rates or the prices for competitor goods on a specific date. This information can be both static and changeable in the course of time – in this case, it will be saved in the history of changes.

Chart of accounts, Accounting register
Chart of calculation types, Calculation register

Charts of accounts and accounting registers are designed to build a model implementing the double entry accounting system. They implement the multi-level charts of accounts with a fixed or variable code capacity, multi-level and multi-dimensional analytical accounting, accounting by multiple charts of accounts and companies, optional conduction of quantity, summary and currency accounting, etc.

Charts of calculation types and calculation registers are used for implementing the payroll accounting models. Allow describing different calculation types (for example, basic salary, personal bonuses, alimonies, penalties, etc.), setting the rules according to which the calculation types can affect the results of other calculation types and storing the intermediate data and final calculation results. With these objects it is possible to organize the calculation of basic charges, calculation of tax on personal income, distribution of the results of salary accounting for the purpose of reflection in accounting, etc.

Task, Business process
Data processor, Report

Tasks and business processes allow creating the formalized descriptions of typical sequences of work performed in the organization and based on them generating the lists of tasks which should be executed by one or another employee at the moment. For example, the process of selling the goods can be presented as a sequence of invoice issuing, invoice approval, cash receiving and the goods shipment. Different employees can be responsible for each stage, thus, it is possible to determine at any moment of time the status of the process of goods sale and the employee who is responsible to do any action at the moment.

Data processors and reports are used to process the information accumulated in the system and to obtain the summary data in user-friendly way of viewing and analysis. Describe the information processing algorithms, contain different forms and algorithms of this information presentation for the user. Allow using the tables and various types of the charts for visual data display.

Chart of characteristic types
Exchange plan

Charts of characteristic types are intended to store the information about the characteristics of different objects. They enable the user to create all kinds of characteristics, describe the type of these characteristics and specify their values. The charts of characteristic types can be used, for example, to provide the user with ability to describe the goods with arbitrary number of arbitrary characteristics (color, size, scent, etc.). It enables to create and store the characteristic name and the data type which must possess the value of this characteristic.

Exchange plans are designed to describe the distributed information system structure and to specify a list of data to be exchanged within this distributed system. Allows creating geographically distributed data system based on both 1C: Enterprise and with the use of arbitrary information systems not related to 1C: Enterprise.


Constants are intended for storing the constant or conditionally constant information. For example, a constant can store the name of company, the full name of the head or chief accountant, etc.

Enumerations are designed to describe a list of values that can be possessed by some variable. For example, enumeration can store the values describing the buyer’s states: "wholesale" and "retail".


Commands are the actions that can the user perform. In addition to the commands generated by platform, the developer can create his own commands belonging to the entire application solution or the individual configuration objects.

With subsystems a visual division of application solution into the large and small functional blocks is performed. The subsystems form the basis for building the command interface of program.


The filters are used to select data in the catalogs, documents, etc. They allow defining the rules according to which not all the information will be selected existing in the base, but only that meets the specified conditions. For example, with the filter it is possible to organize the selection of documents related to a specific contractor.

Roles allow describing different user access rights to the data stored in the information base and specifying the user possible actions. For example, the head of organization may have the full access to any data stored in the information base while the warehouse keeper must manipulate only the warehouse documents and have no access to any other data.

Event subscription
Scheduled job

Event subscriptions allow assigning the handlers to non-interactive events of one or several applied objects.

Scheduled jobs allow organizing the automatic execution of the procedures of common modules on schedule.

XDTO package
Web-service, WS-reference

XDTO packages allow describing a system of types and values to interact with different external data sources and software systems. They are used to describe the types of parameters and returned values of Web-services. Also these objects can be used to organize the data exchange between different 1C:Enterprise 8 configurations or other information systems.

Mechanism of Web-services allows creating Web-services in 1C:Enterprise 8 configuration as well as interacting in 1C:Enterprise 8 configuration with the web-services published by the third-party suppliers.

External data source

External data sources enable using in the application solution the data received from the external databases. Including from the bases not based on the 1C:Enterprise.

These configuration objects are used to create the application solution interfaces in different languages. Through the use of the languages, it is possible to create the multilingual application solutions in which the user can select the language to work with application solution.

Session parameter
Common attribute

The session parameters are mostly designed to use in queries and in conditions of data access restrictions for the current session.

Common attributes are used to store the one-type data in different configuration objects and as an integral part of the data separation mechanism.

Functional option, Functional option parameter
Settings repository

Functional options allow the developer to describe the configuration opportunities that can be promptly enabled and disabled at the implementation stage and/or during the system operation. For example, an ability to work with additional properties of the goods can be extracted in a separate functional option. Then if the option is disabled, all the related (to the additional properties of the goods) options will ”disappear” from the configuration interface.

Settings repositories allow the developer to store the user settings not in the system tables, but in the configuration objects (for example, in the specific catalogs, information registers). This allows the developer to implement his own format of settings storage and custom algorithms to work with these settings.

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